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Winrock International

June 2013

Winrock News

Recap of Twitter Chat on Youth Employment in Agriculture

June 12, 2013

(June 12, 2013) — Winrock’s Carol Michaels O’Laughlin joined other development experts yesterday in a live Twitter chat to discuss the topic of “Youth Employment in Agriculture.” The Agrilinks #AskAg Twitter Chat brought together Rachel Blum of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Karen Brooks of The International Food Policy Research Institute, David Feige of […]
Bangladesh Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons program participants.

Bangladesh ACT program helps give voice to trafficking survivors

June 7, 2013

Within Bangladesh’s social structure, survivors of human trafficking are especially vulnerable. Often, they are stigmatized within their own families and communities. In order to restore their confidence and place in society, the Winrock-implemented Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) program empowers survivors to claim their rights and be important social actors in preventing trafficking and protecting other […]