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Winrock International


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Partnering with Persons with Lived Experience to Counter Human Trafficking 

 Persons with lived experiences (often referred to as survivors) have unrivalled insights into trafficking in persons, risks, and appropriate response. Winrock recognizes persons with lived experience as experts and leaders and engages them throughout program cycles. 

Winrock International Addresses Intersections of Climate Change and Trafficking in Persons

 Winrock International recognizes the interconnection between climate change and trafficking in persons (TIP). Through our projects, we actively address this nexus, implementing innovative solutions that mitigate climate impacts, protect populations vulnerable to TIP from exploitation, and foster sustainable livelihoods, thereby creating resilient communities for future generations. 

Protection in CTIP Briefing: Learnings from the Survivor Experience of Referral Systems in Bangladesh and Cambodia

The “model” referral mechanisms for survivors of human trafficking are generally prescribed based on examples of countries with strong social protection systems already in place, which are inapplicable to most countries in Asia. The over-emphasis on replicating these models may even be counter-productive, as they create policy structures that essentially build bridges to nowhere. This […]

Case Typologies: New Trends of Inbound TIP from Southeast Asia to Cambodia

The purpose of this report is to produce the below Typology of inbound trafficking patterns from Southeast Asia for online scams into Cambodia. The Typology will benefit different stakeholders, whose services are utilized in one way or another by the organized criminal groups undertaking this enterprise. It is only through understanding the problem and intricacies […]
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