RFP No : 2024-001 This RFP seeks proposals from experienced vendors to conduct gender and inclusion analysis that will provide input to the planning, execution, monitoring, evaluation for the project Climate Action for Transformation in Bangladesh Submission Deadlines (Revised dates) Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (BST 5:00 PM) […]
Winrock International (Winrock) is implementing the USAID Reducing Pollution Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID in close collaboration with the Department of Environment Pollution Control (PCD) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), hereafter called “Project”. The Project, implemented in a five-year (2022-2026), is supporting Vietnam’s efforts to […]
WI is currently implementing Market Transitions to Enable New Growth Opportunities (MTENGO) Project which is a five-year activity under the United States Department of Agriculture Food for Progress program. Winrock International MTENGO project is hereby inviting competent and reputable Audit firms to submit bid proposal for the Statutory Audit Service for financial year ends December […]
This RFP seeks proposals from experienced vendors to conduct action research on shifting migration patterns in and within Central Asia. Submission Deadlines Proposals must be received no later than 17:00 Almaty time on January 23, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed below. Telephone requests […]
Scope of Work Winrock is seeking a dynamic organization to collaborate with communities to create Hazard Mitigation Plans and provide specialized technical assistance to rural leaders in how to implement these plans and respond to emergency situations. The applicant shall propose a scope of work that achieves the following required deliverables. Copying and pasting […]