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Winrock International


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Environmental Finance features ACR’s Mary Grady

October 21, 2024

This column was originally published on on Sept. 6, 2024. “Carbon removals vs. reductions misses the moment,” an essay by ACR Executive Director Mary Grady, was published in Environmental Finance, an online news and analysis service that reports on sustainable investment, green finance and environmental markets. “When you’re in a hole, the first rule is […]

The Climate Q&A…with Winrock International climate leaders

October 9, 2024

This year marked the 15th annual convening of Climate Week NYC, an event held alongside the U.N. General Assembly in New York City that brings together leaders from across sectors to champion inclusive climate action. Three common and interconnected threads at this year’s event were: 1) The urgency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare […]
Turkmenistan bans child labor on cotton farms with support from USAID and partners  

Turkmenistan bans child labor on cotton farms with support from USAID and partners  

October 2, 2024

In July 2024, Turkmenistan’s minister of Labor and Social Protection adopted an order prohibiting children younger than 18 from working in cotton harvesting, officially adding “cotton picker” and “cotton grower” to the list of banned forms of child labor in the Central Asian country. The decree, which is now registered with the Ministry of Justice, is in […]

Low overhead dairy grazing: Exploring the current state of dairy in the U.S. Midwest

September 19, 2024

(Feature photo image, above: Saxon Homestead Farm dairy cows grazing. Photo credit: Dan Hagenow Video Creation, LLC.) On July 18, 2024, Wallace Center and Winrock International staff hosted their first farmer workshop in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, for the Improving the Health of the Great Lakes through Profitable Low Overhead Dairy Grazing project. Funded by the Great Lakes […]

Supporting business acceleration and entrepreneurial ecosystem expansion in Senegal

September 18, 2024

Senegal has a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem yet many local entrepreneurs still struggle to recognize the value of business development services and capitalize on market opportunities. To thrive as agile leaders, entrepreneurs need real-time feedback to adapt and pivot their businesses effectively. At the same time, business development service providers require better access to market information […]

The Climate Q&A… with Krysla Lima: A transformational shift in community-based conservation and management of peatlands

September 12, 2024

Krysla Lima, senior specialist with Winrock International’s Ecosystem Services team, is a natural resources and climate-smart agriculture specialist focusing on improving economic and environmental outcomes through innovative, market-based approaches and evidence-based policy and program implementation. With over 10 years of experience in sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation program implementation in Asia, Africa and Latin […]

Community partnerships and action to reduce pollution from open burning in Vietnam

September 10, 2024

Open burning, both of household waste and agricultural straw, is a major source of air pollution in rural and urban Vietnam, contributing to deteriorating air quality and increasing public health risks. To tackle this pressing issue, the USAID Reducing Pollution project, implemented by Winrock International, is supporting community-driven solutions aimed at reducing open burning and […]

Winrock International announces new director for climate and environment

August 29, 2024

“Climate work is a critical part of Winrock’s mission, impacting a wide range of our locally led programming including sustainable agriculture and water, safe migration and counter-trafficking, climate finance, net zero, carbon crediting and markets, ecosystems and clean energy,” said Winrock President and CEO Maqsoda Maqsodi. “We’re in a pivotal climate moment in history, and […]

A climate game changer for U.S. Caribbean island communities   

August 29, 2024

Gathered in the offices of the USDA Caribbean Climate Hub in Puerto Rico, four sets of teams comprising farmers, agriculture extension experts and young interns with the U.S. Forestry Service are having fun while honing their strategic and systems thinking skills in a high-stakes game.   The object of the contest is the survival of their […]

Helping communities map a resilient future in the Sahel  

August 23, 2024

“This year the 2024 Esri Map Book (Volume 39) acknowledges that humans are a dominant part of our planet’s ecosystem and will increasingly need to play a role in creating its future. The maps in this book illustrate many practical ways organizations and individuals are impacting our world and using GIS and The Geographic Approach to help […]
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