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Winrock International

Country Overview : CLEAR II GLP

Winrock International, along with partners Lawyers Without Borders and Verité, collaborates with local stakeholders to implement CLEAR II in Nepal, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Belize, Panama, and Jamaica.


Labor Inspectors from MoLESS working in group to apply aspects of the coordination plan to a mock case on child labor. Meeting held on May 14, 2018 organized by Winrock.

To support the Government of Nepal in meeting its child labor reduction commitments, CLEAR II works with the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS), the Attorney General’s Office and municipal governments as well as civil society stakeholders and international organizations to implement activities. Key activities include:

Burkina Faso

To support Burkina Faso’s efforts to eradicate child labor, CLEAR II works with the Ministry of Public Service, Labor, and Social Security (MFPTSS), the MFPTSS Directorate to Combat Child Labor and its Worst Forms (DLTE), legislative actors, and other key stakeholders to implement activities that will aid the governments ongoing efforts. These activities also contribute to the fulfillment of the following objectives:


To support the Government of Liberia in meeting its child labor reduction commitments, CLEAR II works with the Ministry of Labor’s National Commission on Child Labor (NACOMAL) as well as civil society stakeholders and international organizations to implement activities. Key activities under CLEAR II include:


Building on Belize’s ongoing success in preventing child labor, CLEAR II works with the Ministry of Labor, Local Government and Rural Development (MLLGRD) and other key stakeholders to implement activities that will support the government in the fulfillment of the following objectives:


The Government of Panama has demonstrated commitment to closing gaps in child labor prevention and enforcement. This commitment includes incorporating child labor issues into the national strategy and the work of local governments and civils society organizations. The country also pledged to implement mechanisms for monitoring the results of these actions.
To support Panama’s efforts to eradicate child labor, CLEAR II works with Panama’s Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development (MITRADEL), the Committee for the Eradication of Child Labor and the Protection of Young Workers (CETIPPAT), civil society stakeholders, and private sector representatives. In collaboration with these stakeholders, CLEAR II in Panama is conducting these key activities:


CLEAR II works with the Ministry of Labour and Social Services (MLSS), the Child Protection and Families Services Agency (CPFSA), and other local stakeholders to implement activities that will support the Government of Jamaica’s priorities in addressing child labor, including the following objectives:

Funding is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL‐26260-14-75-K. Ninety-six percent of total costs of the project are financed with Federal funds, for a total of 7,595,000 dollars. This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the United States Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the United States Government.