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Winrock International

BC/TIP Communications and Outreach

BC/TIP’s communications and outreach activities promoted information about the program’s experience and knowledge. Although the program did not have a dedicated communications team, the program team carried out communications/outreach activities successful in informing the stakeholders and beneficiaries about the program’s achievements. The program shared important messages on prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership for reducing the prevalence of human trafficking, gender-based violence, and child marriage in Bangladesh such as:


Doug Green
Program Manger, BC/TIP

Susan Stamper
Acting Chief of Party, BC/TIP

For additional information, please visit the following page:
Winrock International » Combating Human Trafficking in Bangladesh

This media content is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under cooperative agreement No. AID-388-A-14-00003 to reduce the prevalence of human trafficking in Bangladesh and increase the protection of civil and human rights by preventing and reducing the risks of trafficking, protecting trafficking survivors, prosecuting trafficking offenders, and fostering effective partnerships among stakeholders. The contents are the responsibility of Winrock International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.