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Winrock International

BC/TIP Project Partners

Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM):

Builds the capacities of Counter Trafficking Committees (CTCs) to identify, rescue & repatriate trafficked victims; increases access of the minimum standards of care & support services through formal referral mechanisms with GO/NGO/INGOs and private institutions; ensures identification, protection, and reintegration of the survivors within families and communities through capacity development of CTCs, Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and ANIRBAN; provides case management, shelter and transit home services; empowers the survivors with sustainable reintegration into the society through advocacy, participation, partnership, and livelihood development.

Agrogoti Sangstha:

Implements prevention activities by identifying and connecting at risk people to appropriate services through using the referral mechanism developed by BC/TIP. AS also provides CTC trainings and raises awareness through community interventions in partnership with BC/TIP working with Peer Leaders; implements prevention activities in Shatkhira and Khulna districts. It has created examples of outstanding CTCs in its working areas by mobilizing elected representatives and citizens together to combat TIP and CM.

Bangladesh Manabadhiker Bastabayan Sangstha (BSHER):

Implements prosecution activities by identifying, enrolling, and providing legal support to survivors. BSHER protects the rights of vulnerable men, women, and children raising awareness and knowledge of the laws and rights through education, legal support services, and research; bolsters the capacities of the District Education and Manpower Office (DEMO); mobilizes CTCs; works with Peer Leaders and expands actions in communities to combat TIP, CM, and illegal migration; advocates for the implementation of the Victim and Witness Protection Act. It also maintains excellent working relationships with the newly established special tribunals and the Judicial Administration and Training Institute (JATI) organizing BC/TIP’s training and orientation programs with judicial officials.


Enhances legal case management, follow up, and support to reduce the number of trafficking in persons (TIP) and migration cases; implements prosecution activities by identifying, enrolling, and providing legal support to survivors in Cox’s Bazar; carries out prosecution activities in line with increased responsiveness of criminal justice actors; advocacy for poor, marginalized, socially excluded people; promotes policy advocacy by organizing a discussion on a police-prosecutors framework on cooperation/coordination to ensure prompt justice for TIP and CM cases.

Bangladesh Institute of Theatre Arts (BITA):

Implementation of protection activities through shelter, counseling, case management, and referral support in Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar; strengthens the empowering environment for at-risk groups and trafficking victims/survivors to reduce human trafficking, encourage safe migration and addresses the issues of child marriage and GBV in a sustained manner through the use of folk cultural events like street drama, folk songs, etc. Implements activities to strengthen community capacities to identify and prevent TIP and improve access of trafficking victims to assistance.

Proyas Manobik Unnayan Society (Proyas):

Implements prevention activities by identifying and connecting at risk people to referral services; provides CTC trainings; and raises awareness through community interventions in partnership with BC/TIP. Creates awareness of mass people through community radio and a specialized folk item known as “Gambhira.”

Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service (RDRS):

Activates and strengthens the capacities of CTCs and Peer Leaders promoting prevention and protection services at the community levels; provides communities with the necessary knowledge and tools to make informed migration choices; establishes effective networking partnerships with local government agencies, NGOs, recruiting agencies, and other relevant stakeholders to combat TIP, illegal migration, and CM. Reduces trafficking in persons through prevention and protection mechanisms to establish access to referral services: improved access of trafficking victims to assistance; strengthened community capacities to identify and prevent TIP; raises awareness through community interventions, identifies and links referral mechanisms to at-risk, vulnerable people. Promote the sustainability of volunteer group ANIRBAN by helping them acquiring registration with government departments.


Provides shelter support to survivors of TIP, CM, at-risk vulnerable people; improves the access of CM and trafficking victims to quality support and livelihoods; develops effective and coordinated partnerships and referral networks to prevent re-victimization and protection services of survivors of trafficking and CM; establishes integrated case management and follow-up mechanisms; promotes a sensitized community to protect children from early marriage; advocacy and training for ANIRBAN.

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA):

Implements protection activities through the provision of shelter, counseling, case management and referral assistance; strengthens the empowering environment for at-risk, vulnerable groups, and trafficking survivors to reduce human trafficking, encourages safe migration, and addresses GBV and CM issues in Cox’s Bazar, particularly in the Rohingya camps and in the host communities impacted by the Rohingya populations; strengthens community capacities to identify and prevent TIP; improves the access of trafficking victims to assistance, livelihood development and vocational training; promotes increased responsiveness of duty bearers and justice actors on child marriage issues.

Aid Camilla:

Raises awareness on child marriage through district and Upazila level trainings; reduces the incidences of child marriage among girls in 12 Upazilas (sub-districts) of 6 districts in Bangladesh by raising awareness and strengthening child protection mechanisms mitigating child marriage and support for educational empowerment for girls; addresses gender based violence through sensitivity trainings.

Ovibashi Karmi Unnayan Program (OKUP):

Rescues, repatriates, provides shelter, and reintegration assistance and services for survivors of labor trafficking; extends legal assistance and procedural access to justice, especially to male survivors through providing them with shelter support; contributes to enhancing the capacities of government officials and other key stakeholders to support access to justice and remedy for survivors of trafficking.

Rights Jessore:

Enhances the capacities of communities to identify traffickers, labor brokers, and recruiting agencies to combat human trafficking, unsafe migration, and the elimination of child marriage and abuse; activates and enhances the capacities of CTCs and Peer Leaders addressing prevention and protection mechanisms at the community level; increases the capacities of stakeholders including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, police, border guards, local government representatives and administrations, NGOs/CBOs who are providing protection and prosecutorial services; provides legal assistance for survivors and families. It also works with GoB to facilitate the repatriation of TIP victims from India.

For additional information, please visit the following page:
Winrock International » Combating Human Trafficking in Bangladesh

This media content is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under cooperative agreement No. AID-388-A-14-00003 to reduce the prevalence of human trafficking in Bangladesh and increase the protection of civil and human rights by preventing and reducing the risks of trafficking, protecting trafficking survivors, prosecuting trafficking offenders, and fostering effective partnerships among stakeholders. The contents are the responsibility of Winrock International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.