Stephanie Lillegard
Director of Counter Trafficking & Safe Migration
Stephanie Lillegard is director of Counter Trafficking & Safe Migration in Winrock’s Human Rights, Education, and Empowerment team. Stephanie has nearly a decade of experience with Winrock. During that time she directly supported the significant expansion of Winrock’s CTIP work, positioning and helping Winrock to build what is now one of the largest U.S. government-funded global CTIP and safe migration portfolios. She has led dozens of proposals that enabled Winrock to establish CTIP programs in new regions, helped develop relationships with new funders while strengthening existing ones with stakeholders and partners, and has provided direct program management support to nearly all of Winrock’s CTIP projects. Stephanie served as Winrock’s first project director for the U.S. Department of State-funded Jamaica-U.S. CPC project, where she worked closely with government counterparts to strengthen capacity and coordination for responding to child trafficking, including drafting Jamaica’s National Referral Mechanism for child trafficking. She holds a bachelor’s in political science and French from Greensboro College and a master’s in international development from the University of Pittsburgh. Stephanie resides in the greater Washington, D.C. metro area.
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