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Winrock International

Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports, Volume 2, 1997

Table of Contents

Section 1. Contributed papers about more than one genus

S. N. Hossain and M. Hossain
Study of growth and wood characteristics of six plant species of Bangladesh
p. 1.

R. G. Ramírez, L. A. Hauad, R. Foroughbakhch, and L. A. Pérez-López
Seasonal concentrations of in-vitro volatile fatty acids in leaves of 10 native shrubs of northeastern Mexico
p. 4

R. Foroughbackhch, R.G. Ramirez, L.A. Hauad, N.E. Castillo-Morales, and J. Moya-Rodriguez
Seasonal dynamics of the leaf nutrient profile of 10 native shrubs of northeastern Mexico
p. 8

E. L. Risasi, G. Tian, E. E. Opuwaribo, and B. T. Kang
Effect of root size on root nutrient concentrations of four woody trees and maize
p. 13

Section 2. Contributed papers about a single genus


Newton de Lucena Costa and Valdinei Tadeu Paulino
Effects of phosphorus fertilization on forage production, mineral composition, and nodulation of Acacia angustissima
p. 18

Newton de Lucena Costa and Valdinei Tadeu Paulino
Response of Acacia angustissima to potassium fertilization
p. 21

Ricardo D. Braza
New insect pests of Acacia mangium in the Philippines
p. 24

M. Bertalot and E. Mendoza
Nodulation and root sucker formation in Acacia melanoxylon
p. 27

Dedi Setiadi, F. H. McKinnell, C. E. Harwood, and P. Dart
Survival and growth of Australian Acacia species and their response to rhizobium inoculation in field trials on two contrasting soil types in Indonesia
p. 29


S. N. Hossain
In-vitro multiplication of Albizia procera
p. 35


Ehi Robert Orhue
Compound fertilizer effects on growth of Dialium guineense seedlings
p. 38


Newton de Lucena Costa, Carlos Alberto Gonçalves, and José Ribamar da Cruz Oliveira.
Response of Desmodium gyroides to cutting frequency
p. 41

Newton de Lucena Costa and Valdinei Tadeu Paulino
Response of Desmodium gyroides to phosphorus fertilization and mycorrhizal inoculation
p. 43


R. Foroughbakhch, L. A. Háuad, M. H. Badii, and P. R. Earl
Establishment and growth of five Eucalyptus species in northeastern Mexico
p. 46

Y. Ehrhart and J. M. Sarrailh
Introduction and evaluation of silky oak (Grevillea robusta) provenances in New Caledonia
p. 51


N. E. Navarrete-Tindall and H. Aragón
Report of nodulation of Inga paterno in El Salvador
p. 56

M. Bertalot and E. Mendoza
Incidence of Oncideres spp. in Mimosa scabrella
p. 59

Ricardo D. Braza
Gall rust disease of Paraserianthes falcataria in the Philippines
p 61

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Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net)
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development