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Winrock International

Leucaena Wood Production and Use

Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net)
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development

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Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures iv

Chapter 1 What is Leucaena?
1-1 What is leucaena? 1
1-2 Origin and distribution 2
1-3 Appearence 3
1-4 Uses 4

Chapter 2 Where Does Leucaena Grow?
2-1 Soil type 6
2-2 Rainfall 7
2-3 Temperature and light 7

Chapter 3 Varieties and Seed
3-1 Varieties 9
3-2 Scarification 9
3-3 Seed storage 12
3-4 Seed production 12

Chapter 4 Nursery Management
4-1 Nursery design and operation 14
4-2 Choice of container 14
4-3 Preperation of medium 17
4-4 Rhizobia 17
4-5 Sowing of seeds 18
4-6 Irrigation and fertilization 18
4-7 Pest and diseases 20
4-8 When to transplant 20
4-9 Seedling transport 20
4-10 Stump cuttings and bare root seedlings 21

Chapter 5 Field Preparation and Planting
5-1 Season of planting 22
5-2 Site preparation 22
5-3 Direct seeding 24
5-4 Transplanting 25
5-5 Fertilization 25
5-6 Spacing 26
5-7 Thinning and pruning 27

Chapter 6 Management and Protection
6-1 Weed control 28
6-2 Insects 28
6-3 Diseases 29
6-4 Animals 30
6-5 Fire and storm 30
6-6 Maintenance fertilization 30
6-7 Irrigation 31

Chapter 7 Harvest
7-1 Age of harvest 32
7-2 Wood yield 33
7-3 Manual harvest 33
7-4 Mechanical harvest 35
7-5 Coppice management 35

Chapter 8 Utilization of Wood
8-1 Properties of wood 37
8-2 Fuelwood and charcoal 37
8-3 Pulp 39
8-4 Roundwood 39
8-5 Lumber 39

Chapter 9 Alternate uses
9-1 Farming systems 41
9-2 Soil erosion control 41
9-3 Nurse tree 42
9-4 Firebreaks and windbreaks 44
9-5 Leaf as a co-product 46
9-6 Leucaena in agroforestry systems 48

Additional Reading 49