Net Zero Climate Services
Winrock empowers businesses and investors to build climate change mitigation strategies and develop solutions that enable the private sector to fulfill its role in advancing a net zero world. Winrock helps companies build effective climate change mitigation strategies, achieve scope 3 emissions goals, source high-quality carbon credits and identify innovative emission-cutting impact investments.
In board rooms across the world, companies are committing to bold net zero goals to cut their own emissions and invest in climate solutions beyond their value chains. But meeting science-based emissions goals requires transformation within an organization and collaboration with key stakeholders and experts.
Winrock leads in the development of practices that reduce and remove greenhouse gases. More than two decades ago, we helped pioneer the carbon credit market through the ACR, and more recently, helped create the Paris Agreement-aligned Architecture for REDD+ Transactions. We are at the forefront of leveraging and developing the latest scientific tools to determine the greenhouse gas impacts of various practices and uses of land, as well as the measurement, monitoring, reporting and verification of emission reductions and removals in the agriculture, forestry, transportation, energy, and industrial sectors.
Winrock draws on its deep field experience implementing agriculture, economic development, environment and energy, and human and social capital projects. In doing so, we help companies design resilient climate strategies and solutions that not only cut emissions but promote sustainable livelihoods, natural resource conservation, and biodiversity.
Winrock helps companies:
Build effective climate change mitigation strategies:
With any strategy, there are tradeoffs. Winrock helps maximize climate strategy benefits to companies, their stakeholders, and the planet, and navigate changing expectations from governments, nongovernmental organizations, media, and the public. Winrock enables companies to better understand and account for physical and transition climate risks to the efficiency and performance of its value chains and assets, and then develop a climate strategy that is resilient to these risks. Whether a company is just initiating its climate emissions strategy or has been reducing its emissions for years, Winrock can help
Achieve Scope 3 emissions goals:
Winrock helps companies measure, inventory, and address Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. While many companies have developed robust Scope 1 and 2 strategies, most report that they are not on track to meet their Scope 3 emissions goals, and many cannot even accurately measure their Scope 3 emissions. Winrock helps companies take a strategic approach to addressing Scope 3 emissions with advanced tracking and measurement solutions that enable carbon footprint quantification and clarity. We then advise organizations or act as an implementing partner to strategically reduce and remove from the atmosphere their Scope 3 emissions (sometimes referred to as “insetting”) with efficient solutions. Winrock takes care to stay updated on the latest trends in major climate leadership standards, such as the Science-Based Targets initiative and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We also remain aligned with regulatory frameworks and requirements to ensure that these results will count.
Source high-quality carbon credits:
Nothing attracts capital and brings scale to address problems like markets. Winrock helps companies identify and procure high-quality carbon credits from proven projects and programs from across the world for use in “offsetting” or “beyond value chain” approaches.
Identify innovative emission-cutting impact investments:
Not every climate investment beyond a company’s value chain must come from the carbon market. Winrock advises companies and runs procurement processes for other non-standardized or nascent investments that have potential to be the next big climate solution.
Example projects:
Nestlé – Winrock is supporting Nestlé’s efforts to decarbonize its global supply chain. This includes strategic guidance to procurement teams and suppliers while also assessing emissions reduction projects across Nestle’s supply chain. Winrock previously facilitated Nestlé’s global procurement of value chain emission reduction and removal projects. Winrock established evaluation criteria, managed the request for proposals and helped Nestlé screen projects for quality and association with Nestlé’s supply chain. Both projects are organized under Nestlé’s Net Zero Roadmap.
McCormick – Winrock is advising and helping McCormick pilot supply chain emissions reduction initiatives. McCormick previously partnered with Winrock to adapt existing carbon calculator tools for McCormick supply chains, which measure the positive impact of its sustainable sourcing programs on GHG emissions reduction.
Microsoft – Winrock’s nonprofit subsidiary, ACR, advised Microsoft on their removals procurement, including development of the RFP and proposal evaluation framework and the evaluation of proposals submitted for nature-based and engineered removals projects.