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Winrock International

Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports, Volume 10, 1992

Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net)
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development

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Table of Contents

Section 1. Invited Papers

Booth, Trevor E. Computerized climate mapping for planting site selection pp. 3

Pottinger, A .J. Nitrogen fixing tree research networks coordinated by the
Oxford Forestry Institute pp. 7

Lenn`e, Jullian M. Diseases of multipurpose woody legumes in the tropics:
A review pp.13

Section 2. Contributed papers involving several NFT genera


Burrows, D., and J. Prinsen. Performance and palatability of various
Australian trees and shrubs pp. 33

Awonaike, K. O., S. K. A. Danso, And F. Zapata. Biological nitrogen
fixation with Gliricidia sepium and Acacia senegal in association with
Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium strains pp. 36


Hossain, M. , M. A. Khan, and S. N. Hossain. Growth and wood characteristics
of four fast growing tree species in Bangladesh pp. 40


de Lucena Costa, Newton, Carlos Alberto Goncalves, and Jose Ribamar da
Cruz Oliveira. Biomass production of forage legumes in southwest Brazilian
Amazonia pp. 43


Bisht, R. P., O. P. Toky, and S. P. Singh. Growth characteristics of important
multipurpose nitrogen fixing trees of arid climates of India pp. 45

Chaturvedi, O. P., D. K. Das, and A. N. Jha. Biomass and net production of
five 15-month-old multipurpose tree species in north Bihar, India pp. 47

Misra, K. K., B. C. Saini, and H. R. Jaiswal. Air layering Albizia lebbeck
and Dalbergia sissoo with the aid of indole butyric acid pp. 51

Pancholy, Anjly. Characterization of rhizobia isolated from two arid zone
tree species: Prosopis cineraria and Albizia lebbeck pp. 55

Singh, R. R., and M. S. Hooda. Growth of multipurpose tree species in Haryana, India pp. 57

Toky, O. P., R. P. Bisht, and S. P. Singh. Growth and biomass allocation
in six multipurpose nitrogen fixing trees of arid regions in India pp. 59


Netera, S. N., Brian Palmer, and R. A. Bray. Differential response to phosphorus
and lime of two accessions of Calliandra calothyrsus on an acid soil pp. 62


Kadiata, B. D., and K. Mulongoy. Biomass yield and nodulation of three
woody legumes pp. 66

Kadiata, B. D., N. N. Ntonifor, and K. Mulongoy. A severe mealybug infestation
on some tree legumes pp. 70

Papua New Guinea

Brook, R. M. Early results from an alley cropping experiment in the humid
lowlands of Papua New Guinea pp. 73

Brook, R. M., M. B. Kanua, and M. G. Woruba. Multipurpose tree species
evaluations in Papua New Guinea: Early results pp.77


Rathert, G., and O. Werasopon. Nutrient value of nitrogen fixing tree species
for upland rice in Thailand pp. 81

U. S. A.

Brennan, E. B. A new grafting technique for Erythrina, Leucaena, and
possibly other nitrogen fixing tree species pp. 85

Parrotta, J. A., and I. P. Singh. Vertical distribution of fine roots in
monospecific and mixed-species tree plantations in Puerto Rico pp. 89

Section 3. Contributed papers involving one NFT genus


Almonicar, Rolando S. Two new insect pests attaching Acacia mangium
in the Philippines pp. 93

Almonicar, Rolando S. Two types of root rot diesases affecting Acacia mangium pp. 94

Anino, E. O. Natural ecto-mycorrhiza of Acacia mangium pp. 96

Dick, J. McP., and K. East. Influence of light quality on growth and rooting
of Acacia tortilis, a tree species of semiarid East Africa pp. 97

Jayasankar, S., and B. Mohan Kumar. Early growth and nodulation in five
Acacia species. pp. 102

Oleghe, P. E., and F. K. Akinnifesi. Gum yield of Acacia senegal as affected
by soil water potential and season of tapping pp. 106

Ravi, Kumar, Sushil Kumar, and Darshan Singh. Impact of Acacia nilotica on
soil physical and chemical properties pp. 108

Shivkumar, Padmini, and B. N. Bajpai. Acacia tortilis seed treatment pp. 110

Sivasubramaniam, K. Chlorophyll stability index method for determining
drought hardiness of Acacia species pp. 111


Prasad, P., R. C. Uniyal, T. C. Pokhriyal, and A. R. Nautiyal. Early growth,
nodulation, and nitrogen fixation in Albizia stipulata grown on different soils pp. 113


Gardezi, Abdul Khalil, and R. Ferrera-Cerrato. Mycorrhizal inoculation of
Caesalpinia calcalaco pp. 116


de Lucena Costa, Newton, and Jose Ribamar da Cruz Oliveira. Cutting
height affects Cajanus cajan yield and protein content pp. 119

de Lucena Costa, Newton, and Valdinei Tadeu Paulino. Potassium fertilizaion
affects Cajanus cajan growth, mineral composition, and nodulation pp. 121

de Lucena Costa, Newton, Jose Ribamar da C. Oliveira, and Valdinei Tadeu
Paulino. Accumulation of Cajanus cajan forage for use a dry season feed pp. 123

de Lucena Costa, Newton, Valdinei Tadeu Paulino, and Elizabeth Ann Veasy.
Phosphorus fertilization and mycorrhizal inoculation affect Cajanus cajan
growth pp. 125

de Lucena Costa, Newton, Valdinei Tadeu Paulino, and Elizabeth Ann Veasy.
Phosphorus fertilization affects Cajanus cajan growth, mineral composition,
and nodulation pp. 127

Paulino, Valdinei Tadeu, Newton de Lucena Costa, and Elizabeth Ann Veasy.
Response of Cajanus cajan to vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation pp. 129

Paulino, Valdinei Tadeu, Newton de Lucena Costa, and Elizabeth Ann Veasy.
Response of Cajanus cajan to vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation
and rock phosphate fertilization pp. 132

Suresh, K. K., C. Swaminathan, M. G. Dasthagir, and C. Surendran. Comparative
growth performance of Cajanus cajan cultivars at wide spacing pp. 135


Gurumurti, K., and P, S. Rawat. Rooting of Casuarina equisetifolia cladode
cuttings as influenced by season and auxins pp. 137

Merwin, M. L., P. M. Elam and D. A. Dyer. Early growth of Casuarina glauca
provenances in California, U.S.A pp. 141

Miettinen, P. Irradiance influences Casuarina equisetifolia nodulation pp. 145

Ngulube, Mzoma, and Lusayo Mwabumba. Nursery and field performance of
inoculated and uninoculated seedlings of Casuarina equisetifolia provenances pp. 147

Sidhu, O. P., and H. M. Behl. Infectivity and effectiveness of VAM fungi in
Casuarina obesa for alkaline soil sites pp. 150


Pokhriyal, T. C., S. P. Chaukiyal, Uma Singh, and G. S. Bisht. Effect of
defoliation on acetylene reduction activity in Dalbergia sissoo pp. 155

Tewari, Salil K. Hybridization possibility in Dalbergia sissoo pp. 158

Tewari, Salil K., Om Prakash, and C. S. Joshi. Growth of Dalbergia sissoo
in India pp. 159


de Lucena Costa, Newton, and Valdinei Tadeu Paulino. Mycorrhizal
inoculation of Desmodium gyroides pp. 162


Zhao Kefu and P. J. C. Harris. Effect of salt stress on nodulation and
nitrogenase activity in Elaegnus angustifolia pp. 165


Ortiz, R. A., and O. Fernandez. Flemingia Congesta seed scarification
methods pp. 167


Parrotta, J. A., and I. P. Singh. Gliricidia sepium root system morphology
and biomass allocation pp. 169

Roshetko, J.M., D. O. Lantagne, and M. A. Gold. Multiple tree per
planting pit influence growth rate and potential use of Gliricidia
sepium pp. 173


Uniyal, R. C., and A. R. Nautiyal. Effect of pre-soaking in water on
germination of Ougeinia dalbergioides seeds pp. 176


Rogers, Stephen, and Richard Rosecrance. Coppice management of
Paraserianthes falcataria in Western Samoa pp. 178


Ogboghodo, I. A., and C. T. I. Odu. A report on nodulation in Pentachethra
macrophylla pp. 180


Kaarakka, V., and S. Johansson. Yield and water use efficiency of 32 two-
year-old Prosopis provenances under irrigation in Bura, eastern Kenya pp. 182

Pasiecznik, Nick, and Peter Felker. Mechanical cleaning of Prosopis seed pp. 186

Puri, Sunil, Manu Jain, and Parveen Sharma. In vitro plant regeneration
of Prosopis cineraria pp. 189


Bencat, Tibor. Nutrient content of Robinia pseudoacacia leaves in Slovakia pp. 190

Gupta, V. K., Sunita Sen, and L. N. Bhardwaj. Management of fusarial wilt
of black locust pp. 191

Rohm, M., and D. Werner. Robinia pseudoacacia – Rhizobium symbiosis:
Isolation and characterization of a fast nodulating and efficiently
nitrogen fixing Rhizobium strain pp. 193

Han Sufeng and Zhou Xiangquan. Development of Robinia pseudoacacia
nodules pp. 198

Thakur, R. C., and A. M. Kaushai. Regression models for projecting biomass
production in Robinia pseudoacacia under mid-hill conditions of western
Himalaya pp. 200


Dutt, A. K., and Urmila Jamwal. Response of Sesbania sesban varieties
to neem cake application pp. 203

Saleem, M., and S. V. Bali. Comparative study on the growth of three
provenances of Sesbania grandiflora pp. 204

Section 4. NFTA Network Trialspp. 206

Section 5. Reviews of Publicationspp. 209

Fodder Trees and their Lopping Cycle in Nepal
Methodologies for Screening Soil-Improving Legumes
Wood Species in Auxiliary Roles: Live Stakes in Yam Cultivation

Section 6. Species and Subject Index for Volumn 10 pp. 211