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Winrock International

Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Acid Soils – Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports – Special Issue, 1995

Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net)
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development

Price: US$7 per volume plus shipping/handling.

Table of Contents

Acid Soil Constraints and their Amelioration
Mechanisms of tree growth in acid soils
Richard Fisher and Anthony S. R. Juo 1

Are nitrogen fixing trees a solution for acid soils?
D. L. Kass 19

Acacia mangium response to nitrogen and phosphorus
in the Philippines
Jerry Manubag, Boy Laureto, Jeff Nicholls,
and Phil Cannon 32

Mineralización de nitrógeno de material foliar de
especies de Inga
G. Meléndez, L. T. Szott, y A. Ricse 35

Performance of Erythrina fusca associated with
annual crops following liming of an Acrudoxic
Melanudand having 70 percent aluminum saturation
D. L. Kass, A. Tineo, J. Faustino, N. Arriaza, E.
Viquez, M. Rodriguez, and J. Jimenez 42

Plagas de algunos árboles fijadores de nitrógeno
para suelos ácidos en América Central
Luko Hilje 53

NFTs in Forestry and Agroforestry Systems on Acid Soils
Growth and biomass production of nitrogen fixing
trees on acid soils
L. T. Szott 61

Utilización de árboles fijadores de nitrógeno en
suelos ácidos venezolanos
Eduardo E. Escalante 77

Evaluación de tres especies forestales en plantación
pura y sistema taungya: Crecimiento de los árboles y
producción de los cultivos
José Miguel Leiva y Rolain Borel 85

Evaluación de tres especies forestales in plantación
pura y sistema taungya: Crecimiento del sistema radical
José Miguel Leiva y Rolain Borel 94

Evaluación de algunas leguminosas in el trópico de
Cochabamba, Bolivia
Teresa Rocha Crespo, Gregory Minnick, y Julio Vargas 103

La Bracatinga: Introducción, crecimiento, manejo y
utilización en asociación con cafetal; Una
combinación promisoria para los trópicos de México
Miguel Angel Musálem 113

Inga: High diversity in the neotropics
Anna Lawrence, T. D. Pennington, M. R. Hands, and R.
A. Zúniga 130

Farmer knowledge and use of Inga species
Anna Lawrence 142

Terminalia amazonia interplanted with nitrogen
fixing trees on a degraded pasture in Uvita de Osa, Costa Rica
S. A. Stanley and J. D. Nichols 152

Alnus acuminata ssp. arguta, a valuable resource for
neotropical highlands
Ricardo O. Russo 156

Stryphnodendron excelsum, a potential candidate for
recovering abandoned pasture lands in the humid tropics
Ricardo O. Russo 164

Experiencias ENDA-CARIBE con leguminosas en sistemas
agroforestales en la República Dominicana
Mamerto Valerio B. 174

Screening, Selection, and Breeding of NFTs for Acid Soils

Nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs for acid soils – An
M. H. Powell 185

Growth of nitrogen fixing trees on moderate to very
acid soils of the humid lowlands of southern Cameroon
Bahiru Duguma 195

Comparative growth of 15 exotic species and
provenances in high-elevation acid soils of Rwanda
A. I. Niang, E. Styger, A. Gahamanyi, and J. Ugeziwe 207

Evaluación y adaptación de leguminosas arbustivas en
suelos ácidos infertiles de América tropical
Pedro J. Argel y Brigitte Maass 215

Forage quality of shrub legumes evaluated in acid
C. E. Lascano, B. Maass, and G. Keller-Grein 228

Growth and biomass production by introductions of
Inga edulis in the Peruvian Amazon
L. T. Szott, A. Ricse, and J. Alegre 237

Genetic improvement of Calliandra calothyrsus
Joanne R. Chamberlain and Alan J. Pottinger 250

Very acid soil constraints for tree legumes like
leucaena and selection and breeding to overcome them
E. M. Hutton 258

Four Acacia species for acid soils
C. Buford Briscoe 265

Comportamiento juvenil de varias fuentes de semillas
de Acacia mangium en América Central
Conrado Parraguirre L. y Rodolfo Salazar F. 272

Rhizobia and VAM for NFTs on Acid Soils

Occurrence and rhizobial selection for legume trees
adapted to acid soils
S. M. de Faria 295

Mycorrhizal infection in Inga species from the
Peruvian Amazon
L. Reategui, L. T. Szott, and A. Ricse 301

Revegation of acidic residues from bauxite mining
using nodulated and mycorrhizal legume trees
Avilio A. Franco, Eduardo F. C. Campello, Luiz E.
Dias, and Sergio M. de Faria 313

Summaries of Working Groups

Constraints to plant growth on acid soils and
methods for managing soil acidity 321
Selection of NFTs for acid soils 322
Growing NFTs in acid soils 324
Conference participants 326