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Winrock International

Legacy Project

Blue Carbon Feasibility Study for the Bahamas

The resiliency of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas under a changing climate depends on healthy coastal wetlands that protect communities from rising sea levels, saltwater intrusion, and increased frequency of storms. Mangroves are coastal wetlands with unique carbon and resiliency benefits, and can enhance the Bahamian government’s ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change across the archipelago’s more than 700 coral islands. Funded by The Nature Conservancy, Winrock partnered with the environmental advisory firm, TerraCarbon, to assess the feasibility of the Bahamian government to generate carbon and resilience credits through mangrove restoration, and to improve the government’s monitoring ability in the islands.

Funder: The Nature Conservancy

Project Timeline: January 1, 2021 - June 17, 2021

Program Areas: Agriculture, Resilience and Water , Clean Energy and Circular Economy, Ecosystem Services, Forestry and Natural Resource Management and Climate Change