Legacy Project
Hamro Samman
Trafficking-in-Persons is a complex problem that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit and destination country for labor, sex and organ trafficking. Some studies estimate that a quarter of a million Nepalis are in forced labor or other forms of trafficking at any given time, with millions more vulnerable due to poverty and a lack of employment and opportunity. In addition, victims and survivors lack the resources they need to help them recover.
The Hamro Samman program continues Winrock’s long history of diverse programming in Nepal and builds upon USAID, UK Aid and other donor-funded programs to support and leverage Government of Nepal, civil society, and private sector efforts to counter trafficking-in-persons in Nepal.
For more information on Winrock’s CTIP programming, please go to the following project pages:
Cambodia CTIP
Bangladesh CTIP
Funder: USAID, UK Aid
Project Timeline: July 12, 2017 - March 31, 2024
Country: Nepal
Program Areas: Human Rights, Education & Empowerment and Countering Trafficking in Persons (TIP)
Contact: Audra Stark, Audra.Stark@winrock.org