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Winrock International
Jamaica SVOV

Remarks by Ambassador Nick Perry at the Supporting Victims of Violence (SVOV) project launch

These remarks were originally published on the website of the U.S. Embassy in Jamaica here.


Remarks by Ambassador Nick Perry at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Winrock International’s Supporting Victims of Violence (SVOV) Project Launch

The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel


April 10, 2024

Good afternoon!

It is a pleasure for me to join with you this afternoon for the launch of the USAID Jamaica/Winrock International Supporting Victims of Violence (SVOV) project, a groundbreaking initiative signed in July 2023 and funded by the U.S. Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) at a cost of approximately US $10 million (over JMD 1 billion).

This initiative represents a paradigm shift in our approach to addressing violence in Jamaica to not only supporting victims but also witnesses and vulnerable youths who have become perpetrators of violence.

The U.S. remains committed to partnering with Jamaican authorities to improve citizen security by strengthening policing efforts, enhancing border security, and promoting community-based interventions.

This launch today reaffirms our commitment and at this time, I would really appreciate you joining me in expressing thanks and appreciation to all our partners, including Winrock International, the Government of Jamaica, civil society organizations, local communities, and many more that we cannot individually call out today. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to this cause.

Join me also in this special recognition of two “integral local partners”; Eve for Life and Rise Life Management for their exceptional dedication to serving the “At-risk” community in Jamaica for a combined period of over 40 years. Through your tireless efforts in the areas of healthcare, education, empowerment, and social support, you have profoundly impacted the lives of many by fostering inclusive communities. Together, we are stronger, and it’s through our collective action that we can create a meaningful difference, empowering individuals and communities to become agents of change.

Investing in education, skills training, and economic opportunities, can empower individuals to break the cycle of violence and build brighter futures not just for themselves and their families, but also the Caribbean region and the world in which we exist.

There is a common saying that Jamaicans are ‘likkle but tallawah’, small but mighty. And this is true. Resilience is at the core of the Jamaican spirit, and together, we can harness that resilience to overcome one of the greatest challenges that we face – the devastating effects of crime – which far too many Jamaicans continue to experience.

As we launch this groundbreaking activity today, let us also look to the future with hope and determination.

There will undoubtedly be challenges along the way, but I am confident that with our shared commitment and perseverance, we can make a difference that will endure and grow over time.

Let us continue to work hand in hand, bridging divides and building bridges of opportunities for all Jamaicans.

In closing, I want to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and support.

Together, the U.S. and Jamaica can brag about the closeness of our relationship. It is no secret that we work closely together on behalf of our people, Americans and Jamaicans, and this is why I am standing here today to share with you the assurance that working together, we will be doing all that we can to create a Jamaica where every individual can live free from violence and fear, and where every dream, for every Jamaican, is within reach and ultimately achieved.

Thank you.

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