Mid-Term Review on the Implementation of Cambodia’s Five Year National Strategic Plan For Counter Trafficking in Persons (2019-2013)
The USAID Cambodia CTIP project, implemented by Winrock International, supported the Royal Government of Cambodia to conduct and analyze the results of a mid-term evaluation of its Five-Year National Strategic Plan for Combatting Trafficking (2016-2023). This mid-term evaluation helps shed lights into strengths, weaknesses, achievements and gaps in the implementation of Cambodia’s national CTIP policy and provide recommendations on how to improve the country’s overall efforts in the fight against trafficking in persons. Here’s the English language version of the report and here’s the Khmer language version of the report.
- SafeStep – App on Google Play
- The Global Fund to End Modern Slavery Announces New Program to Support Migrant Workers in Malaysia, Indonesia | Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (gfems.org)
- SafeStep: Using tech to enable safe recruitment for migrant workers | Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (gfems.org)
- Democratizing Migration: How a Mobile App is Empowering Migrant Workers and Disrupting Migration Systems | Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (gfems.org)