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Winrock International


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2017 Annual Report

A Letter From The President I can’t help but see the work of Winrock in these advances. Winrock has made significant contributions over the course of our history to the improved social and environmental conditions on display around the world. We have helped spread agricultural success. We have brought energy to the places in the […]

International Women’s Day 2019

In honor of International Women’s Day 2019, USAID Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons (USAID Thailand CTIP) and its partner, The Freedom Story, share the story of Ma Win Yee, a 32-year old Burmese woman who has created an organization for migrants, by migrants that provides various support and advocates for the right to education for […]

National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS) Financial Planning Tool: User Manual

This report is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

National Meteorological Service Baseline Assessment Tool: Assessing Capacity to Provide Effective and Sustainable Climate Information Services

This evaluation tool provides a framework for assessing the capacity of National Meteorological Services to provide climate information services. The tool includes the complete questionnaire, metrics, and scoring criteria needed to replicate this assessment for other NMS in Africa and beyond. This version of the tool will go through futher independent review by the WMO. […]

SAFETI Newsletter September 2018

Aquaculture plays a central role in nutrition and livelihood for more than 12 million people in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been very successful in expanding freshwater aquaculture, with an average growth rate of 8.1 percent per annum for the period 2000-17, and a current annual production of more than two million tonnes of aquaculture products from […]

February 2019 SWP Newsletter

Cambodian villagers take a field trip to see how people in similar situations have successfully improved their sanitation, coming away inspired to make changes in their own communities. In This Issue – Learning from Neighbors – Bolstering WASH, Building Resilience – Modeling Better Water Management

CASE STUDY – A Life Transformed: A Journey from Slave to Self-sufficient

Dara*, a 26-year-old man from Takeo province, who was promised by his broker that he would have a secure and decent job in Thailand, was enslaved for seven years on a fishing boat on east Malaysian waters. He was unable to leave the boat, not allowed to take breaks, and did not get enough food […]

Compilation of Best Management Practices to Reduce Total Emissions from Palm Oil Production

This report includes a compilation of best management practices (BMPs) to reduce total emissions from palm oil production. BMPs examined include those during plantation establishment, concession management, and mill management. Each BMP identified was evaluated against the following criteria: financial feasibility, greenhouse gas reduction potential, technical and operational challenges, environmental and social co-benefits, and replicability. […]

January 2019 SWP Newsletter

From publishing six toolkits to guide water security improvement (WSI) practices to empowering water managers in Southern Africa with Big Data, 2018 was a busy year for the Sustainable Water Project (SWP). Check out our annual report to learn more. In This Issue – SWP Releases 2018 Annual Report – Communication is Key – Protecting […]
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