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Winrock International


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Approaches to Collect, Exchange, and Integrate National and Global Datasets

African countries are exposed to a range of significant climate-related risks, including variability in water resources, presence of climate-sensitive diseases, and dependence on rain-fed agriculture. As such, there is a critical need for timely information on past, current and future climate monitoring to help inform decision-making across multiple sectors. Yet African populations have historically been […]

Climate Information Services Market Assessment and Business Model Review

Climate change poses a serious threat to the people of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that heat and drought stress will decrease crop productivity in Africa, with strong adverse effects on regional, national and household livelihoods and food security. In order to cope and adapt, companies and individuals will […]

Workshop Report: Sustainable Climate Information Services (CIS): Expanding CIS delivery through innovative financial and business arrangements

This USAID-funded workshop brought together actors from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS), private sector, and intergovernmental organizations to share work produced under the USAID funded Sustainable CIS project1 and start to overcome silos between different contributors to CIS. Further dialogue is encouraged to define priorities and identify synergies, ensuring NMHSs remain an important player […]

Approaches to Combine Technologies for Weather Observation, Storage and Analysis

This report explores the optimum use of different technologies and associated issues pertaining to meteorological observation, data management, and data analyses for CIS in sub-Saharan Africa. Key types of meteorological observation, including ground weather stations, atmospheric profilers, lightning detectors, weather radar, and satellite observations are reviewed and case studies are presented that showcase initiatives and […]

December 2018 SWP Newsletter

Late last month, experts gathered at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., to discuss the challenges of water insecurity that stand in the way of building healthy, prosperous communities. SWP’s John Parker spoke on transboundary water cooperation in the Mara River Valley. In This Issue – SWP Featured at Water@Wlson – Securing A Sustainable Future […]

PIER Year 1 Handout

Funded by the U.S. Department of State/OES, PIER (Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience) is a 3-year project that works to increase private sector investment for resilience to climate change in eight developing countries – Bangladesh, Ghana, Guyana, Indonesia, Mozambique, Peru, Tanzania, and Vietnam. PIER will support both public and private investors to recognize and take […]

November 2018 SWP Newsletter

The partnership will leverage $4M in WASH microloans, bringing water and sanitation to 37,000 people. In This Issue: – Translating Data into Action – E-Flows & Water Security

Analyses of Land Cover Change Trajectories Leading to Tropical Forest Loss

In Indonesia, land cover change for agriculture and mining is threatening tropical forests, biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, land cover change is highly dynamic and complex and varies over time and space. In this study, we combined Landsat-based land cover (change) mapping, pixel-to-pixel cross tabulations and expert knowledge to analyze land cover change and forest […]

Penentuan Tingkat Rujukan (Reference Level) untuk Menduga Penurunan Emisi dari Restorasi Gambut

Emisi dan peningkatan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca (GRK) merupakan penyebab perubahan iklim yang menjadi isu global dan tantangan bagi masyarakat antarbangsa. Berbagai upaya telah dan akan terus dilakukan oleh pemerintah, termasuk pemerintah Indonesia, untuk mengurangi emisi GRK tanpa harus mengorbankan pembangunan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Reference Level for the Estimation of Emission Reduction from Peatland Restoration

The Government of Indonesia’s position and commitment to sustainable development is already widely known, as is its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; the cause of global climate change. Indonesia’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gases is laid out in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document, and was recorded in the United Nations Framework Convention […]
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