Schartup and Beaujault to lead Sahel Water Security and Resilience Effort
Winrock International’s Sustainable Water Partnership is pleased to announce the additions of Harvey Schartup as chief of party and Patrice Beaujault as deputy chief of party of the USAID-funded TerresEauVie (TEV) water security and resilience activity in Niger and Burkina Faso.
“I am excited to begin the work of addressing this region’s challenges through TerresEauVie,” Schartup said. “These challenges are interconnected and they require cross-cutting solutions and the development of relationships with governments and organizations at every level—solutions this project is uniquely designed to deliver.”

Part of the Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced (RISE) II program, TerresEauVie is a five-year activity in the Sahel, an arid band stretching across Africa south of the Sahara Desert. The region faces challenges ranging from population growth, land-use change, ethnic conflict, poor governance, limited economic opportunity and climate change.
TerresEauVie will address RISE II’s first objective to “Enhance social and ecological risk management systems” through three components: (1) improved water security; (2) enhanced sustainable productive land use; and (3) improved management of shocks, risks and stresses. The activity will cover 25 communes in Niger (Maradi, Tillaberi, and Zinder regions) and 15 communes in Burkina Faso (Centre Nord, Est, and Sahel regions).
Schartup has spent more than 27 years as chief of party on eight USAID projects, forging a reputation for development of staff and local partner capacity, and for leveraging partnerships with host country governments and other projects. He possesses both management and technical experience across the spectrum of multiple-use water services, and is experienced in agricultural value chain and market systems development, private sector engagement, and individual and organizational capacity-building to improve household resilience.

For 24 years Patrice Beaujault has designed and led resilience and sustainable livelihoods interventions in the Sahel, including Niger and Burkina Faso. He brings proven technical leadership in water, sanitation and health, as well as natural resource management, multiple-use water services, agriculture market and private sector development and institutional capacity building. Beaujault has held leadership positions on complex, multi-faceted projects, including component lead, deputy chief of party and chief of party. Those projects include the $70 million Resilience and Economic Growth in Sahel – Enhanced Resilience (REGIS-ER) project, and two USAID-funded projects with Winrock in the Sahel: the MUS component of the West Africa-Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WA-WASH) Project from 2012 to 2014, and the West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) (2005 to 2009).
“It is crucial to increase resilience and water security in the Sahel through activities that engage every level of the population,” Beaujault said. “Equally important is then scaling those solutions to benefit the greatest possible number of people. I look forward to positively impacting the lives of so many through this project.”
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