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After years of servitude, Ram Kumari Chaudhary enjoys her job as a mason, which brings income and empowerment.

Education and Training Empower Disadvantaged Youth in Nepal

January 31, 2013|post

For four years, Ram Kumari Chaudhary worked in bonded servitude for a landlord in Ghorahi, Dang, Nepal. Ram Kumari, who comes from an impoverished family, was sold into servitude by her father for much-needed income. Although the practice — referred to as Kamlari — is illegal, the tradition still survives in the Dang and Deukari valleys […]

Guinea Farmer-to-Farmer Team

January 31, 2013|volunteer

Meet our hardworking, gregarious Farmer-to-Farmer staff in Guinea! Each of these staff play an important role in ensuring that our F2F Guinea program is successful and that our volunteers are safe, well supported, and happy during their time in country. Below, they each share their thoughts on why they think the Farmer-to-Farmer program is important […]
Elsie is a grandmother caring for three grandsons, two of whom have been orphaned.

Scholarships Ease Burdens on Grandmothers in Southern Africa

January 31, 2013|post

In AIDS-affected communities in southern Africa, grandmothers often assume responsibility for children who have been orphaned by the epidemic. The U.S. Agency for International Development-funded AMBASSADORS GIRLS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (AGSP) alleviates some of the financial burden on these grandmothers by offering scholarships to their grandchildren. Because the grandmothers are often too old to work, the scholarships make a big difference by covering […]

Our Spirited Farmer-to-Farmer Team in Mali

November 9, 2012|volunteer

A few of Winrock’s home office staff traveled to Mali to work with our Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) staff for a week. It is always nice to spend time face-to-face and to see first-hand how our programs are progressing and making an impact in country. We asked our field staff to reflect on their jobs and their […]

Inspiration in El Salvador

August 29, 2012|volunteer

“The assignment in El Salvador offered me a unique opportunity to work closely with indigenous people who share many of the same challenges of the American Indians, Alaska Natives and Pacific Islanders who have been the focus of my professional career. The wonderful spirit of the people I met, their joy in everyday life and […]

Training fish farmers in West Africa

December 6, 2011|volunteer

Volunteer Bill Nichols shares thoughtful & humourous stories from his recent trip to Mali. (Thanks for your hard work, Bill!) “In mid October 2011, I arrived in Bougouni, a town of 25,000, in a mainly cotton growing region of southern Mali. My task was to assist a newly formed fish farming cooperative with business training. […]

Changing Lives in Nepal

October 28, 2011|volunteer

Seven hours from the Nepalese capital city of Kathmandu, nursery owner Mr. Hari Gautam smiles, with tears in his eyes, overjoyed to see a man who helped him improve his nursery business five years prior. The man, Mr. Howard Prussack, a Winrock volunteer who has lent his time and expertise multiple times to help the […]

Tales from a Winrock intern in Mali

June 10, 2011|volunteer

In January 2011, Justine Lindemann left the US to spend six months with Winrock International as an intern for the Mali Farmer-to-Farmer program. Having previously lived in Senegal and worked as Africa Program Assistant at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Justine had relevant experience -and a lot of enthusiasm- to bring to her assignment in […]

Kathy Colverson Helps Farmers in Kenya, Returns Enriched

May 12, 2011|volunteer

Kathy Colverson is passionate about volunteering and it shows in the enthusiasm she displays when recounting her own experiences with the USAID John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer program. Colverson has twice taken time away from her job as associate director of program development at the University of Florida’s International Center to offer her experience […]

The Story of Suon Seng

July 15, 2009|post

In November 2008, Suon Seng was selected as the winner of the John D. Rockefeller 3RD Scholars Program grant competition for research on Avian Influenza in Cambodia and Laos. For Seng, a 34-year old researcher who specializes in avian and livestock diseases, the opportunity to conduct independent research and influence policy had seemed an unlikely […]
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