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Winrock International

SRP in the U.S.A.

SRP Standard and National Interpretation Guideline for the U.S.A.

The Sustainable Rice Platform Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation (“the Standard”) is the world’s first voluntary sustainability standard for rice. The Standard is in a questionnaire format and assesses a producer’s progress towards sustainable cultivation across 46 requirements. The Standard was designed for global use, although written largely for the SE Asian production system. The SRP was co-convened by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and IRRI, and information about the multi-year development process of the Standard can be found on the SRP program site.

     ‣ SRP Standard v.2.1

The SRP National Interpretation Guideline for the U.S.A. (SRP NIG USA)
The SRP recognizes that rice is produced under a wide variety of conditions globally and while the Standard offers normative guidance, practitioners need locally relevant guidance on appropriate best practice recommendations that support the requirements of the Standard. It is also imperative to protect the integrity and core principles of the SRP Standard, while maximizing its relevance and practical applicability within diverse national contexts- including production systems, agroecological environments, socio-ecological circumstances and legal and regulatory frameworks.

National Interpretation Guidelines (NIG), as is available in the U.S.A., are therefore designed to serve as a bridge between the global Standard and local field application. The SRP NIG USA questionnaire instrument was designed specifically for the U.S.A. production system and accounts for all U.S.A. federal and state legislation and agency oversight of agricultural operations. It must be used in conjunction with all other SRP program documents, requirements and policies.

     ‣ SRP NIG USA

SRP Assurance Scheme
Verification (or auditing) of a rice producer’s responses to the SRP NIG USA questionnaire is not required but use of claims/logos/labels is more limited in the absence of a verification and U.S.A. producers are well positioned to produce the needed information to successfully complete verification. Verification by third parties ensures credibility of the SRP claim, logo and brand. The SRP Assurance Scheme describes the program’s rules and requirements around second and third-party verifications/audits. It defines rules for actors engaged in measuring compliance or demonstrating improvements, providing demonstrable evidence of compliance with the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators and the use of SRP trademarks (Claims, Logos or Label) upon achieving assurance. For producer groups (or multi-site operations) and supply chain entities, Internal Management Systems and Chain of Custody are also verified.

     ‣ SRP IMS Standard v.1.0
     ‣ Chain of Custody Standard

The SRP has authorized GLOBALG.A.P. as its Assurance Services Providers (ASP) to manage implementation of the SRP Assurance Scheme, globally. GLOBALG.A.P. will work with local verification bodies (VB) in each country and manage the global SRP database. In the U.S.A., the following entities are authorized to conduct SRP verifications beginning in October 2020.

Porter Friedman
Ag. Program Associate – U.S.A. & Canada
Preferred By Nature

Contacting an SRP approved verifier is the first step to verifying your operation or sourced rice as meeting SRP Standards and using the SRP claims/logos/labels. Verifier will verify responses, enter the producer(s) into the database and issue SRP ID numbers. Remote verifications are allowed in the U.S.A. beginning in October 2020. A list of suitable documentation needed to substantiate responses to the SRP NIG USA is provided (electronically submit to verifier) below and can serve as a starting point for the verification. Each operation and each audit are different, therefore, please review this document with your verifier as soon as possible.

     ‣ Get Started with Verification

SRP Claims, Logos and Labels

The SRP name, Logo and SRP Verified Label are registered trademarks of SRP. SRP only grants the respective producer, producer group or supply chain partner (“Licensee”) the nontransferable and non-sublicensable right to use the SRP Claims and/or SRP Logo and/or Label in accordance with the relevant terms and provisions of the SRP Assurance Scheme and the SRP Member Communication and Claims/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7).

     ‣ SRP Member Communication and Claim/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7 of the SRP Assurance Scheme)
     ‣ SRP Brand Manual

SRP Training

The SRP Secretariat periodically offers in person and virtual training for individuals and organizations. The on-line course is titled “Driving Sustainable Rice Cultivation: Understanding the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators”. Please contact the SRP Secretariat for the next training date or to arrange a private training.


Training General Information