USAID and Oasis Partner to Provide Direct Assistance to Survivors of Trafficking in Person
The Oasis Foundation has launched a new project to help survivors of human trafficking. Under the “Care for One – Care for All” project survivors will receive humanitarian, legal, psychological, and medical assistance. Oasis will also support survivors to obtain education, shelter, employment and other opportunities. The project is supported by USAID’s Safe Migration in Central Asia activity, implemented by Winrock International.
“Oasis will work with the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration, crisis centers and non-government organizations to identify and reach victims of trafficking,” said Meerim Osmonalieva, director of Oasis Foundation.
The two-year project will also work to improve the Kyrgyz system for assisting victims of human trafficking. Employees of crisis centers, civil society organizations, and the Ministry will receive appropriate training. The key goal is to help the population most at risk of trafficking in persons reduce risks and vulnerabilities.
“We’re grateful that international and local partners pay attention to the issue of safe migration and the fight against human trafficking, as well as provide direct assistance to victims of human trafficking” noted Zhanyl Alybaeva, Deputy Minister of Labor, Social Security and Migration.
Human trafficking includes the purchase, sale, or exploitation of a person by means of deception, force, threat, as well as restriction of freedom or exploitation of person’s vulnerability.
“Thousands of Kyrgyzstanis move abroad in search of work opportunities every year. USAID will continue to work to make sure that this migration process is safe and that those who fall victim to human trafficking receive appropriate support,” said Andrew Maybrook, USAID/Kyrgyz Republic Mission Director.
Those who believe that they or someone they know has become a victim of human trafficking and needs assistance can contact the Oasis Foundation by phone/WhatsApp/Telegram +996772554508, +996770554503 and e-mail info@oasiskg.org.
This news was originally posted April 1, 2022, on the website of the U.S. Embassy in The Kyrgyz Republic.
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