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Winrock International

Volunteer Opportunities

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Current Openings

Overseas assignments last from two to six weeks. Click the assignment title to obtain additional details. Volunteers must meet basic qualifications for the assignment.

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Training on Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Preservation

Location: Macenta-Forest

Assignment Number: GUI304

Volunteers Requested: 1

Recruiter: Jennifer Robinson | |

Winrock International requests the support of a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer for a 17-day volunteer assignment, including travel to Macenta-Forest, Guinea. The volunteer will train the technical staff and members of the NAKROKONI (Women’s Horticulture Cooperative of Macenta) on fruit and vegetable processing and preservation while maintaining flavor, natural methods, food safety, and hygienic practices. NAFROKONI is interested in making the following fruits and vegetables: ginger juice, pineapple juice, mango juice, pineapple jam, dry mango, and dry pineapple, cassava powder or flower potato leaves, cassava leaves, okra, tomato, onion, eggplant, hot pepper, and cucumber. They are also interested in learning about storing low equipment and materials. The organization plans to process and sell these products shortly.

NAFROKONI, a primarily rural women-based organization in Macenta, is involved in market gardening and has recently decided to focus on processing local produce and fruit to diversify their income sources. This shift in strategy has the potential to significantly boost their income and improve their financial stability. The organization currently supplies the local market with a variety of market garden produce, including eggplants, tomatoes, chilies, cucumbers, cassava, cassava leaves, sweet potatoes, and leaves. They finance their activities through membership fees and donations from international agricultural development organizations, which are used to enhance the quality of their services and increase their members’ agricultural productivity and production. However, NAFROKONI recognizes the need to leverage technical expertise in processing to enhance income-generating activities for its members. This expertise will enable them to develop sustainable sources of income. NAKROKONI (Women’s Horticulture Cooperative of Macenta) is therefore seeking an American volunteer to provide this crucial training to beneficiaries in the forest region. The ultimate goal of the training is to empower the majority of these women to take greater responsibility for themselves through other income-generating activities and to address the significant challenges associated with the loss and decay of these products after harvest and the lack of appropriate preservation for the valorization of local products in other potential markets.

The volunteer should have the following qualifications and background:

·       Bachelor’s degree or higher in food science, nutrition, or related field ideal.

·       5-10 years of experience in fruit and vegetable processing with low-cost equipment in developing countries, particularly West Africa, is preferred. 

·       The candidate should have experience in training and imparting practical knowledge to the adult population. 

·       Good written and oral communication skills are essential.

·       French language skills are a plus, but translation will be provided if necessary.