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Winrock International

Volunteer Opportunities

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Current Openings

Overseas assignments last from two to six weeks. Click the assignment title to obtain additional details. Volunteers must meet basic qualifications for the assignment.

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Training on Composting for FAFD

Location: Labe, Guinea

Assignment Number: GUI313

Volunteers Requested: 1

Recruiter: Jennifer Robinson | |

Winrock International seeks a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer for a 17-day assignment (including travel) in Labé, Guinea. The volunteer will train the Federation of Arboriculturists of Fouta Djallon (Federation des Arboriculteurs du Fouta Djallon) members in organic farming. In Guinea, agricultural producers receive limited training on using fertilizers and other chemical inputs. Training in organic compost production would offer a sustainable alternative to chemical use and help improve farming practices.

This assignment’s goal is to equip farmers with the skills needed to produce fruit organically in their orchards. By focusing on organic farming techniques, the training will aim to reduce input costs, increase yields, and boost incomes. This activity will be conducted in person in early November 2024.

Key Responsibilities:

·       Develop and deliver training on compost production tailored for an audience with varying literacy levels.

·       Create visual aids and hands-on exercises to enhance participant comprehension.

·       Integrate gender considerations to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness.

·       Provide ongoing support and follow-up to encourage practice and application of new skills.

Volunteer Qualifications:

·       University degree in organic agriculture, agricultural education, crop production, soil management, or related fields.

·       At least five years of practical experience in organic farm production methods for vocational training.

·       Ability to develop or provide access to visual aids suitable for an audience with low literacy levels.

·       French language skills are preferred, but a translator will be provided if needed.