Volunteer Post
A Very Big ‘Thank You’ from Nigeria
Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Michael Lowery recently returned from his volunteer trip in Nigeria, where he provided training to the Association of Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions of Nigeria (ANMFIN) on agricultural value chain financing. With this training, ANMFIN hopes to be able to develop a model for agriculture lending, train its members on the model, and ultimately increase lending for agriculture sector clients.
Inspired about what they learned, ANMFIN representatives immediately sent the following note:
Dear Michael, I must confess, you are a genius. You work tirelessly with passion and commitment to your assignment. I am confident that with you leading the way, ANMFIN will reach its going concern in no time. A very big thank you to Winrock for bringing you to ANMFI Nigeria!
Winrock is equally grateful for Michael’s efforts, and we look forward to following up with ANMFIN in the future to see the impacts from this assignment!