Volunteer Post
Celebrating 30 Years of F2F: Thank you, inspiring volunteers!
Happy International Volunteer Day! -A perfect complement to our F2F 3oth anniversary celebrations.
Winrock is proud and grateful to have implemented the Farmer-to-Farmer program for 24 of the program’s 30 years.
We end this celebratory week with thoughts from Winrock’s two F2F Program Directors.
“The United States is known for our volunteerism across many walks of life. Farmer-to-Farmer has brought together people from all 50 U.S. states and more than 100 countries to grow healthier food while protecting the environment. I’ve seen tremendous service and personal sacrifices by dedicated volunteers, F2F staff, hosts, and partners. There’s a saying in sports, ‘leave it all on the field.’ This means don’t hold anything back, give all the effort you can, and at the end of the competition you won’t have any regrets. Thank you to so many inspiring volunteers and supporters for leaving it all on the field….which in most cases is a farm field!” —Nona Fisher
“Working closely with F2F over the last 15 years, many of our volunteers and country staff have become like extended family. I’ve been fortunate to come to know many of them socially over the years. I know the same is true of the relationship between volunteers, F2F country staff, and hosts. Thinking back over my experience with the program, I often remember stories which illustrate the importance of these relationships, those which represent the true impact of F2F, but are hard to quantify in terms of reporting program performance. I fondly remember stories of volunteers serving as surrogate family members for children of hosts in the US; volunteers continuing to provide technical and/or financial support to hosts many years after their assignments ended; hosts or field staff naming children after volunteers, or bestowing local names upon volunteers as a sign of admiration and belonging; and witnessing the ripple of healing thoughts and prayers for peace sent around the world when one of our extended F2F family was in need. This aspect of the program – building connection and fostering cooperation between individuals from different countries, cultures, races, religious traditions, and socioeconomic statuses – is the true measure of the F2F program, and is, perhaps, needed more today than ever.” —DeAnn McGrew
Come join the F2F family! -Check out our current volunteer opportunities at www.winrock.org/volunteer.