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Winrock International

Volunteer Post

Changing the World

Jen Snow

A few Winrock Volunteer Technical Assistance staff attended the Business4Better conference & expo in Anaheim, California this week. It was an exciting conference focused on matching businesses with nonprofits to forge partnerships for the greater good. There were many “aha!” moments and points of inspiration during the two-day event.

Driven by the collective energy of people who come together and volunteer time to make the world a better place, Grady Lee, COO/Co-Founder of RockCorp, proclaimed, “People are one experience away from changing the world.”

Encouraging every person that they can, indeed, make a difference — despite the fact that many of our world’s problems are big and intimidating — Kiva president Premel Shah asserted, “You don’t have to try to change the world; just change the world for one person.”

Whether your sights are on the world or just one person, the bottom line is that doing something is good, for all of us. And we’re so grateful to be a part of a team that helps individuals do just that, all around the world.


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