Volunteer Post
Improved Aquaponics Systems, Extension Services in Burma
Dwayne Deppe
This just in from volunteer Chantel Welch:
“In the past week I have seen some amazing work done by local farmers, people who attended relatively short trainings (generally 3-5 days), took the information that they were given and not walked, but ran with it. One group of friends started a monosex tilapia hatchery; they will soon supply neighboring farmers with high-demand stock. Another man created an improved aquaponic system using locally available materials and a combination of solar, electric, and foot pumps; prepared for any circumstance. He has spent the past year improving his system, adapting it for his unique circumstances, and is beginning to generate sales of fish and vegetables in his local community. This same man trained a group of people in a western coastal village on aquaponics – in their area vegetables are unavailable in the summer season and all fresh produce is trucked in from 8-10 hours away. Extension services at work. I spend more time now thinking back on my days in 4-H, marveling at the amazing cooperative extension service that we have in the United States, one that I took for granted as a young farmer-in-training.”