Volunteer Post
Live, Love and Enjoy the Food and the People of Guinea
F2F Volunteer, Dr. Erica Bobbitt
This week’s blog comes from a first-time F2F volunteer, Dr. Erica Bobbitt. Dr. Bobbitt was tasked with providing assistance to Integrated Farm Fabik, a Guinean cooperative, to develop an Agricultural Education and Training program for women and youth in Guinea. Following an initial assessment of the organization’s needs, Dr. Bobbitt developed content that focused on leadership development, particularly utilizing strategies for organizational development and initiated the “Moving from Vision to ActionPlan.” By the end of the training, Integrated Farm- Fabik had established a vision statement; set goals for the recruitment and retention of staff and the recruitment, retention, and matriculation of students; and established a plan of action for the next eight years. Today’s blog is an excerpt from her assignment.
It is not everyday one is chosen to engross themselves in a different culture with unique individuals in a different surrounding. I was given such an opportunity when I accepted the Guinea, Africa assignment with Winrock International.
My assignment in Guinea, Africa impacted me professionally and personally! I have always enjoyed working with people but to work with the host of Integrated Farm Fabik, Madame Sylla, the participants of Fabik and the Winrock International representatives of Guinea, was more than I could have ever expected.
Initially, I was not sure what approach I would take for facilitating the training in organizational development and just how I would help such a deserving organization but it was my personal desire to serve them to best of my ability. I delivered content that I hope will propel the organization forward and allow them to accomplish the goals they have established over the next eight years.
Lastly, my visit to Guinea would not have been complete without my participation in the Women’s Day Festival. What an amazing experience to be surrounded by beautiful, inspired, and enthusiastic Women! It is an event, I will never forget.
In return for my service, I was received by some of the most beautiful, loving and kind people of Guinea. Simply stated:
“I was given the opportunity, to live, love and enjoy the food and the people of Guinea”
Merci Beaucoup,
Dr. Erica Bobbitt