Volunteer Post
Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Staff!
Alamba Justina Kangyang, Finance and Admin Manager for Winrock's Farmer-to-Farmer, Nigeria
Continuing on with our Field Staff introductions- we are now doing a series on our excellent accountants. They make sure our finances are in order and our day to day operations move smoothly. As is true of most of our field staff, they work closely with colleagues that they have never met, including at HQ in the US, so being able to communicate across time zones, cultures and email is extremely important. It also makes any chance to meet the folks you work with a fun and interesting experience, which Justina got to do when she traveled to Nairobi to receive training on new systems and processes.

Hi, I am Alamba, Justina Kangyang. Finance & Admin. Manager for the West Africa Farmer-to-Farmer Project- Nigeria. I have been on the F2F project for 3 years 5 months now and have 12 years’ experience in development work. It may also interest you to know that Winrock International gave me my first opportunity in development work on the Aids Impact Mitigation (AIM) project for three and a half years. I am an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and with an MBA degree from the Nigerian Defense Academy, a post-graduate diploma from Obafemi Awolowo University and Higher National Diploma (HND) in Accounting from the Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi. My Secondary education was at St. Louis College, Jos and primary education at RCM Primary School, Giring, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.
I am one individual who loves to laugh a lot, watch Hispanic telenovelas and playing phone games.
My work experience over the years: I am currently the Finance and Administrative Manager as stated earlier. Before joining Winrock, I worked as the Awards Coordinator with USAID funded Systems Transformed for Empowered Actions and Enabling Responses for VCs (STEER) project, as the State Finance Officer – Niger with the DFID funded State Accountability and Voice Initiative (SAVI) project, and at the Accountant Health Hub, where I managed funds under the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded Informed Decisions for Actions to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health (IDEAS) project. I developed the budget which won Health Hub the project. Before getting into the development sector I worked at Plateau State Ministry of Science and Technology as a Data Processing Officer and at Crest Hotel & Gardens as Receptionist/Cashier.

With Winrock, I have had the opportunity to experience multi-project reporting on the MARKETS, SAFE, REEP and F2F. I have gained more experience in project closeouts over the years. I love the fact the financial reporting has been revolutionized from excel to QuickBooks and electronic documentation. This new system has made work more interesting and educating. I am one who loves learning new skills and I am excited to say that I have learned to upload wire request and documents on SharePoint, using DocuSign, and how to have effective meetings on Skype. All those remote sessions with the IT team are a wonderful experience and a boost to my IT skills. I bet my colleagues in finance were as excited as I was at the finance training in Kenya. Putting faces to names I have worked with for years has a good feeling too it. I had a swell time with Souleyman and Ibrahim (both accountants from Guinea) at the KICC, where we viewed Nairobi from the tower. Getting to meet Shawn Cathey and Mike Myers? Wow, that was the bomb and the Nairobi team, Nicodemus, Arthur, and Veronica were all really cool. It was such a nice experience having Nicodemus come over to Nigeria to coach me on QuickBooks and now I am a bundle of knowledge on the software. I look forward to learning more with the advent of the new Regional Controller.

Working with the Nigeria team is homely, with Mike Bassey heading the team it’s joyous. When I lost my grandma in October last year, the support I got was amazing. I am fortunate to have a team like this one and I am glad I am part of this amazing organization. Overall my experience in Winrock is one in a million. I will not forget to mention my ladies back there at HQ, Loretta, and Sherri, are wonderful to work with. It was lovely meeting Sherri during her last visit to Nigeria and I look forward to meeting Loretta, someday in the future.