Volunteer Post
Planting the Seed of Volunteering
The Recruiters from International Ag and Volunteer Programs participated in the Arkansas Women in Agriculture Conference (ARWIA) held in North Little Rock, Ar. There were over 125 women attending from all over the state of Arkansas. The conference offered mini-courses in such areas as Pollinator Habits, Waters of the U.S. Rule, Risk Management Ideas for Arkansas Crop Produces and Beekeeping, along with Animal Health and others.
The Recruiters from International Ag and Volunteer Programs participated in the Arkansas Women in Agriculture Conference (ARWIA) held in North Little Rock, Ar. There were over 125 women attending from all over the state of Arkansas. The conference offered mini-courses in such areas as Pollinator Habits, Waters of the U.S. Rule, Risk Management Ideas for Arkansas Crop Produces and Beekeeping, along with Animal Health and others.