Volunteer Post
Voices from the Field:
Peace Corp Volunteer
Chelsey Corliss

My name is Chelsey Corliss, I’m 24 years old and I’m an Agroforestry Peace Corps Volunteer serving in the Kindia Region of Guinea. I have been living in Guinea for seven months. Environmental conservation and organic farming are two of my interests for my service but I have trouble talking and teaching about organic farming because using chemicals makes farming so much faster and easier, right?

The Farmer-to-Farmer training in Kondoya at Fabik Ferem Ecole was wonderful. I honestly didn’t know what to expect before going. I was actually uneasy about how difficult it was to get to the farm because taxis don’t go out there, but once I got there I realized how perfect Fabik Farm School was for an organic farming training. The school director had so many dreams and aspirations that were so inspirational and motivating. I invited two members of my community who rely on farming for the majority of their income. The trainer, Tom Sebranek did a great job of explaining the topics and engaging his students. I enjoyed seeing my counterparts so engaged, asking questions and becoming excited to implement some of the new techniques they were learning.
I learned new techniques for composting, pest management and seed collection as well as how to teach them. I plan to start composting in my village with many of the farmers who are interested in going organic. With the help of my counterparts, I think that we can gain more interest in organic farming and help our community become healthier and greener. I can not wait to get started!

“Si vous prenez soin du sol, le sol pendra soin du vous!” – “If you take care of the soil the soil will take care of you.”