Volunteer Post
Bangladesh Learning Event
Five Years of Lessons Learned
F2F Volunteer, Dr. Jan Henderson
As the Asia Farmer-2-Farmer Project comes to a close after 5 years, we sent a volunteer to facilitate a Learning Workshop with some our amazing hosts in the country of Bangladesh. Below are some of Dr. Henderson’s Lessons Learned:
In August 2018, I traveled to Bangladesh to facilitate an in-country workshop as part of the final-year impact and lessons learned analyses for the Asia Farmer to Farmer (F2F) program funded by USAID and Winrock International. I had the opportunity to work with the Bangladesh F2F team located in Dhaka, the capital of the country. Eighty-four participants from different government organizations, universities, national and international NGOs, donor-funded projects, and private sector agribusinesses attended a “Host Learning Workshop.” The primary objectives of the workshop were to A) summarize successes and innovations, as well as ongoing challenges, and discuss lessons for how to sustain and build on F2F impacts/ initiatives and B) enable participants to hear and learn from each other and to make connections/network with each other. The F2F team did an outstanding job of organizing the host learning workshop; I was very impressed with the dedication and professionalism of Dr. Kabir and his staff; they were a joy to work with! It was obvious that the team had spent many hours preparing for the workshop; their attention to the little details that ensure a successful program was evident. Through my volunteer assignment, I strengthened my ability to serve as a “master of ceremonies” for a workshop; gained a better understanding of Winrock’s F2F Program, including a general overview of the program and the specific work in Bangladesh; and acquired new friends and colleagues.