Volunteer Post
Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Field Staff! (Series)
Bailo, Driver for Winrock's F2F Program in Guinea
Mamadou Bailo Diallo
We are a few months into the newest cycle of Farmer-to-Farmer, a program that along with our skilled volunteers, could not be accomplished without the hard work of those in the field. Over the next few months, we will introduce you to some of the amazing people that help make the volunteer’s assignment run so smoothly. The below is translated from French.

My name is Mamadou Bailo Diallo, I am a Winrock – International, F2F-Guinea, driver. I was born in 1981 in the Mali prefecture, in the Republic of Guinea, Conakry, I’m married and the father of two (2) children, one of which is a daughter.
Among the key tasks I perform are:
- Maintenance of the vehicle so it always in good condition;
- Plan the maintenance and/or periodic repairs;
- Ensure the project staff transportation;
- Update the logbook and drive professionally;
- Take pictures on assignments
- Perform any other tasks assigned to me.

I have driven for Winrock since December 15, 2015. Before that, I drove for the African Training Center for Development.
Following studies at the National School of Breeding of TOLO – Mamou between 2004-2006, I got a diploma for a technical officer for livestock. I then graduated with a degree of a technician (BTS) at the National School of Agriculture and Breeding of Koba/Boffa in 2013.
My Hobbies include reading, traveling, watching TV, walking, going to movies and playing sports.
The reasons that have motivated me to apply and work with F2F of Winrock in Guinea are many and varied:
- The importance of this program is crucial in the development of our communities through farmers (associations, groups, unions, and federations) and particularly that of the development of our agricultural including the educational institutions that I graduated from; My work with this program funded by USAID, and accomplished through technical assistance from American volunteers has allowed me to gain enormous experience at all levels and makes me very useful to the rest of the members of the communities in which I live. I stay grateful to the American taxpayer for its help to the development of my country;
- My regular contact with volunteers has allowed me to improve how I express myself in English, and by maintaining exchanges with the volunteers on many topics, also get familiar with American culture;
- Within the team Farmer-to-Farmer Winrock-Guinea, we cultivate team spirit and the respect for the principles and values that everyone maintains

The most interesting moments for me doing this work: When I get to share information with the Country Director on the ongoing operation of the program and when he asks everyone to give their opinion on the progress of implemented activities and to propose planning items for future programs.

A few special times I have had with volunteers include, among many, the field visits and tourist attractions. I once talked to Drs. McKim and Sorensen, who worked on institutional assessment and plan for Center for Post Primary Professional Training of Macenta while we were walking through Ziama’s forest looking for elephants.

I have gained much experience in being able to participate in several trainings. For example:
- On Gender and Equity with Madame Annais, which had a follow-up conference at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Dalaba.
- On Phytosanitary products and their use with Dr. Damisi in Kankan
- And most recently, on my training with U.GAS with Dr. Diop about associated crops cultures and composting techniques.