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Winrock International

Volunteer Post

National Teach Ag Day

How do you feed 7 billion people? Teach Ag!

The National Teach Ag Campaign reminds us of the importance of agriculture worldwide. National Teach Ag Day (today, September 24) recognizes the women and men who are engaged in providing agriculture education and training, and who inspire others to consider or expand their careers in the agriculture sector.

Ellen Thompson, National Teach Ag Campaign Coordinator, states, “Agriculture teachers do amazing things. From incorporating science, technology, engineering, and math in practical settings for their students, to developing leadership skills and teaching responsibility; agriculture teachers deserve to be celebrated for all that they do. National Teach Ag Day is one way we can celebrate their accomplishments and encourage students to pursue a career in agricultural education.”

Winrock is proud to be engaged with so many wonderful ag teachers, through our USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer program. Enjoy these photos of some of them in action around the world!

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Mary Edwards in Nepal volunteer-prof-dr-anil-presenting-to-afu-students-on-basic-weed-science-its-scope