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Winrock International

November 2014

A man cuts a customer's hair.

Counseling, Training Give Skills — and Hope — to Trafficking Survivor

November 26, 2014

Kiri (not his real name) is earning about the equivalent of $90 (USD) monthly as a barber and is planning to expand his efforts and profits by raising chickens. Just a few years ago, however, he was a poor farmer and his future was not nearly so promising. Like many farmers in central Cambodia’s Kampong […]
A woman looks down.

Trafficked Bride Rebuilds Her Life with Help from Counter Trafficking in Persons program

November 25, 2014

Money was scarce in Kanya’s family (not her real name). Her father had died and her mother was sick, leaving her as the sole provider. When her aunt suggested marriage to a wealthy Chinese man and the opportunity to send money home, she agreed. At age 20, Kanya had never heard about trafficked brides. She […]
Winrock News

On #GivingTuesday, Winrock-Implemented Room to Learn Project to be Part of Microsoft’s #YouthSpark Initiative

November 25, 2014

(November 25, 2014) — Winrock International is excited that the Room to Learn – Education for Youth in South Sudan project will again be included in Microsoft’s #YouthSpark initiative, meaning it is eligible for #YouthSpark’s #GivingTuesday campaign this year. Microsoft will provide a 100-percent match for donations between $10 and $500 to the Room to […]
ACR logo

Pioneering Standards Support Ranchers While Reducing Greenhouse Gases

November 16, 2014

New offset protocol allows credits for sequestering carbon on rangelands SAN FRANCISCO (October 16, 2014) – The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit that oversees the creation of rigorous carbon offset protocols as well as the independent registration of carbon offset projects, approved standards today that are designed to enlist ranchers in the fight against […]