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Winrock International

May 2015

Rodney Ferguson behind lectern

Sharing Ideas and Best Practices to Eliminate Child Labor in Agriculture

May 20, 2015

On May 12-14, 2015, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the Pathways to Sustainability: Together We Can Eliminate Child Labour in Agriculture conference convened key stakeholders from Tanzania, Malawi, Uganda, the United States and Switzerland for discussions on numerous topics related to child labor, and to reach consensus on the activities and policies necessary to eradicate […]
Men extracting palm oil

Palm Oil Extraction Equipment Creates 2,000 Jobs in Rural Liberia

May 19, 2015

Stimulated by considerably higher palm oil prices, oil palm growers have increased production in recent years in West and Central Africa. However, this increase has not been fully reflected in increased palm oil production due to low extraction rates derived from traditional manual processing methods still used by the vast majority of smallholder producers in […]

Winrock Supports Groundbreaking Policy Research on Mangrove and Wetland Conservation in Bangladesh

May 18, 2015

The Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Landscapes (CREL) project in Bangladesh has teamed with Winrock’s John D. Rockefeller 3RD (JDR 3RD) Scholars Program to commission two cutting-edge applied research projects with a direct mandate to inform national policies. The CREL/JDR 3RD Mangrove Valuation team will produce an estimate of the value of Sundarbans mangrove areas in […]
Farmers in Pakistan participate in banana ripening training.

Improving Produce Quality with Banana Ripening Units and Process Training

May 14, 2015

In Pakistan, the Lasbela District is well suited for trade because of its close proximity to Karachi, the nation’s capital city. Roughly 46,000 tons of bananas are produced here annually, the highest production within the region of Balochistan. Unfortunately, much of the fruit intended for trade in Karachi return to Lasbela, because they are sold […]
Pakstani fishers

Safe and Hygienic Fish Handling Practices: Fiberglass Fish Holds Reduce Post-Catch Losses

May 13, 2015

The economy of Gwadar, a port for Pakistan in the Balochistan region, is enormously dependent on fishing. However, far too often, fishers lose a good portion of their catches because of unsafe handling practices, which decreases their profit and income. The average fisher in Gwadar uses fish holds made out of wood with an inner […]
Refridgeration truck demonstration

Establishing the Missing Link in the Cold Chain Process in Balochistan

May 13, 2015

The Winrock-implemented Pakistan Agriculture and Cold Chain Development (PACCD) initiative has helped established 9,400 tons of cold storage capacity to help farmers in Balochistan prolong the shelf life and marketability of their produce — ultimately resulting in increased profits and income. However, while instituting cold stores that range from 25 to 1,500 tons of capacity, […]
Anti-trafficking police officer looking at IDs

Helping Trafficking Survivors on the Journey Home

May 11, 2015

On May 11, 2015, at Phnom Penh International Airport, 59 fishermen returned home — some for the first time in five years. The men had suffered as modern day slaves on fishing vessels on the waters surrounding Indonesia. Through the USAID-funded Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) program in Camobodia, and the work of USAID partners […]
Winrock News

David Braman Joins Winrock International’s Board of Directors

May 5, 2015

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (May 5, 2015) — David Braman, a retired founding partner for a leading global investment management firm, has been elected to Winrock International’s board of directors and will serve a five-year term. “We are privileged to welcome Mr. Braman to Winrock’s board of directors,” said Board Chair Betsy Campbell. “His global experience […]