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Winrock International

October 2022

Feed the Future projects implemented by Winrock pivot to address global food, fuel and fertilizer shortages

October 19, 2022

The global economy has been battered by COVID, the war in Ukraine, and extreme weather caused by climate change that has withered crops and flooded entire food-producing regions in Africa and Asia. The resulting humanitarian crises, supply chain breakdowns and inflation have affected people everywhere. But smallholder farmers and agribusiness owners in low-income countries are […]

Winrock awarded $7.9M by USDOS under the Program to End Modern Slavery to fight human trafficking linked to climate change

October 11, 2022

Winrock International has been selected by the U.S. Department of State to implement a $7.9 million project awarded by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons under the USDOS Program to End Modern Slavery. The project will focus on Bangladesh’s farming and fishing industries. Winrock Senior Director of Human Rights, Education and Empowerment […]