CLEAR II works collaboratively with host governments to provide technical assistance to bring about meaningful reductions in child labor. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) and strives to support the goals described in USDOL’s most recent child labor report.
Winrock International, along with partners Lawyers Without Borders and Veritè, uses an approach with three integrated pillars:
- Authority to Act: Strengthened Legal Framework — Host country governments will have the capacity to analyze legislation and produce a clear legal and institutional framework that adheres to international standards and commitments;
- Ability to Act: Improved Enforcement — Technical assistance that supports government ministries, institutions and industries to strengthen current judicial and legal frameworks to enhance their ability to enforce child labor laws; and
- Incentive to Prevent: Better Supported Social and Economic Programs — CLEAR II will enhance governments’ capacity to effectively implement National Action Plans to address child labor and mainstream child labor reduction programming through line ministries.
Thematic Areas
- Legislative Reform: Support, enhance and/or expedite actions by host governments to improve legislation addressing child labor issues, including by bringing local or national laws into compliance with international standards.
- Enforcement: Support, enhance and/ or expedite actions by host governments to improve monitoring and enforcement of laws and polices related to the worst forms of child labor, including through increased knowledge of existing gaps in the labor inspectorate, training of labor inspectors and support for community-based child labor monitoring systems.
- Coordination: Support, enhance and/or expedite actions by host governments to streamline collaboration with stakeholders within different government agencies as well as private sector and civil society stakeholders.
- National Action Plans on Child Labor: Support, enhance and/or expedite actions by host governments to adopt and implement national plans of action on child labor, including its worst forms. Support to build the capacity of key stakeholders to implement, monitor and evaluate the National Action Plan.
- Policies and Social Programs: Support, enhance and/or expedite actions by host governments in the implementation of national and local policies and programs aimed at the reduction and prevention of the worst forms of child labor, as well as improvements in policies and social programs to increase access to basic education, vocational training, social protection services, employment creation and/or poverty reduction initiatives for populations particularly vulnerable to the worst forms of child labor.
Project Partners
Winrock International is a recognized leader in U.S. and international development, providing solutions to some of the world’s most complex social, agricultural and environmental challenges. Inspired by its namesake Winthrop Rockefeller, Winrock’s mission is to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity and sustain natural resources. Winrock manages a portfolio of more than 100 agriculture, environment and social development projects in over 40 countries. It has annual revenue of $100 million, employing over 1,000 staff around the world managed from five Winrock offices and dozens of project offices. Winrock combines technical expertise with entrepreneurial innovation to improve lives around the globe.
Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB) works to protect the integrity of the justice system worldwide by harnessing and channeling the pro bono volunteer services of lawyers and judges into rule of law programming. LWOB and its work strive to be neutrally orientated and covers a range of themes, including child labor, counterterrorism, gender violence, human trafficking, and wildlife crime, among others. LWOB has worked on almost every continent and its programming includes a range of assistance, from legislative analysis, trial advocacy workshops, train the trainers, trial observation, to community education and outreach. These programs have trained over 1000 individuals including from throughout the criminal justice sector and community, striving to meet each participant at his or her level and raise them up.
Veritè is a global, independent, non-profit organization that conducts research, advocacy, consulting, trainings, and assessments with a vision that people worldwide work under safe, fair, and legal conditions. Since its inception in 1995, Veritè has partnered with hundreds of multinational brands, suppliers, and international institutions in more than 70 countries across multiple sectors to improve working conditions and social performance within global supply chains.
For additional information, please visit the following pages:
United States Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB)
Delta 8.7
Funding is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL‐26260-14-75-K. Ninety-six percent of total costs of the project are financed with Federal funds, for a total of 7,595,000 dollars. This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the United States Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the United States Government.