
Scholarships Ease Burdens on Grandmothers in Southern Africa
January 31, 2013
In AIDS-affected communities in southern Africa, grandmothers often assume responsibility for children who have been orphaned by the epidemic. The U.S. Agency for International Development-funded AMBASSADORS GIRLS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (AGSP) alleviates some of the financial burden on these grandmothers by offering scholarships to their grandchildren. Because the grandmothers are often too old to work, the scholarships make a big difference by covering […]
A Kabori Story
December 7, 2010
Ali Maman is a farmer and gardener. He lives with his three wives, Hadiza, Habiba and Nanuwa, five children, and six grandchildren in the village of Kabori, Zinder Region, in Niger. Alli’s Story “Me, before the project came, you can see the work that I used to do. It’s just some sugarcane and some squash […]
The Story of Suon Seng
July 15, 2009
In November 2008, Suon Seng was selected as the winner of the John D. Rockefeller 3RD Scholars Program grant competition for research on Avian Influenza in Cambodia and Laos. For Seng, a 34-year old researcher who specializes in avian and livestock diseases, the opportunity to conduct independent research and influence policy had seemed an unlikely […]