COVID-19 precautions
As we prepare for the Conference, we have been reviewing and monitoring information on COVID-19 developments from the The Word Health Organization (WHO) & the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and state and local officials in Louisiana. The risk to the general public remains low with several recommended precautions.
We are putting precautions in place in alignment with CDC guidelines including:
- We will provide hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes and tissues. Please make frequent use of them throughout the event.
- The conference center will be doing extra disinfecting of meeting spaces.
What can you do?
- We know you’ll be excited to see friends and colleagues, but please refrain from hand shaking. Try a fist bump or elbow bump greeting instead.
- Please cover your cough and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds (try singing happy birthday!).
- Please bring and keep track of your own writing utensil. We will provide extras and ask that everyone holds on to their respective writing utensils throughout the conference.
The news of this disease outbreak is concerning to all of us, but especially impacts communities who have family or other close connections in China or the greater Asian continent. We should all do our part not to make assumptions by discriminating, spreading misinformation, or excluding individuals attending NGFN. Just because a disease originates within a certain area of the world does not mean that every person who has an association with that country is ill or has the potential to contract the virus.
Out of safety for everyone, we are asking the following individuals to not attend:
- Anyone that has traveled to or through a Level 2 or Level 3 countries within the last two weeks. Note, currently, Level 3 countries include China, Iran, Italy and South Korea. Japan is a Level 2 country.
- Anyone who has any sort of cold or flu like symptoms
- Anyone who has a compromised immune system or is at high risk