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Winrock International

Erythrina in the New and Old Worlds Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports – Special Issue, 1993

Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net)
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development

Price: US$7 per volume plus shipping/handling.

Table of Contents

Foreword iii
Acknowledgements v
Introduction 1

Part 1. Erythrina in the New and Old Worlds

Discurso de apertura: investigaciones promisorias para
Erythrina International. 3

Conference on Erythrina in the New and Old Worlds:
opening remarks
Gerardo Budowski, University for Peace, San Jose, Costa Rica

The genus Erythrina: taxonomy, distribution and ecological
differentiation. 15
David A. Neill, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, MO,

The use of Erythrina species in the Americas. 28
Ricardo O. Russo, EARTH, San Jose, Costa Rica

Erythrina en Mexico: distribucion, uso y investigacion. 46
M. A. Musalem, Agricultural and Livestock National Research
Institute, El Horno, Chapingo, Mexico

Erythrina fusca: un arbol leguminosa de la costa norte de
Colombia con potencial agroforestal. 55
Jaime F. Sanchez, Raul A. Moreno and F. Munoz, Centro
Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, Columbia

Traditional uses and cultural significance of three
Erythrina species among the rural population of Tuis District,
Turrialba, Costa Rica. 62
A. Nygren, University of Helsinki, Korkeakoski, Finland

A botanical history of Erythrina introductions. 68
E. McClintock, San Francisco, California

Erythrina sandwicensis: a unique Hawaiian tree. 72
M. H. Powell, NFTA, Paia, HI, USA; and P. L. Nakao,
NifTAL,Paia, HI, USA

Cultivation and uses of Erythrina variegata in
Western India. 77
Narayan G. Hegde, BAIF Development Research Foundation,
Puna, India

The potential for Erythrina species in Eastern Africa. 85
H. Jaenicke and F. Owino, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya

Botany and use of five indigenous Erythrina species in
Nigeria. 92
M. A. Amakiri and B. A. Ekeke, River State University of
Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Distribution and uses of Erythrina species native to
Ethiopia. 96
Solomon Mengistu, Alemayu University of Agriculture, Debre
Zeit, Ethiopia

Part 2. Erythrina in Intercropping Systems

Cordia alliodora and Erythrina poeppigiana spacing effects
on the amount of E. poeppigiana pollarding residues in a
coffee plantation. 102
John Beer, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Produccion de cafe (Coffea arabica) bajo diferentes niveles
de fertilizacion con y sin sombra de Erythrina poeppigiana
(Walpers) O.F. Cook. 121
L. G. Ramirez, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia,
Turrialba, Costa Rica

Effect of shading by Acacia mangium, Calliandra calothyrsus,
Erythrina subumbrans and Gliricidia sepium on canopy
development and fruiting of two coffee cultivars. 125
S. Kathirgamathaiyah, P. J. Wickramasinghe and A.M.D.
Abeykoon, Department of Export Agriculture, Peradeniya
and Matale, Sri Lanka

Eythrina in alley farming. 129
Donald C. L. Kass, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; Jorge
Jimenez, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; Jaime Sanchez O.,
CIAT, Cali, Columbia; Maria Lorena Sota P., Centro
Nacional de Estudios Ecologicos, Chiapas, Mexico;
and Henry Garzon S., CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Dynamics of efficiency of nutrient use in crops amended
with Erythrina. 138
Lorena Soto Pinto, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rico; Lawrence T.
Szott, IDRC, Turrialba, Costa Rica; and Donald L. Kass,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Nitrogen availability after seven years of alley cropping
with Erythrina poeppigiana and Gliricidia sepium. 149
J. P. Haggar, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; J. W.
Beer, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; and D. C. L. Kass,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Development of the shading pattern of Erythrina poeppigiana
during a pruning cycle. 154
S. Rebottaro, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal,
Argentina; and P. Nygren, University of Helsinki,
Korkeakoski, Finland

Uso de poro Erythrina fusca en practicas de conservacion de
suelos: dos experiencias en fincas en Pejibaye,
Perez Zeledon. 169
Irma Hernandez, Y. Camacho and Donald C. L. Kass, CATIE,
Turrialba, Costa Rica

Systemas agroforestales con Erythrina fusca y su efecto
sobre la perdida de suelo y la escorrentia superficial en
tierras deladera, San Juan Sur, Turrialba, Costa Rica. 175
Therese I. Lebeuf, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Evaluation of growth and production of tropical yam
(Dioscorea alata L.) using live supports of Erythrina berteroana
(Urb.) and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. 185
R. Chaverria, Nicaraguan Institute for Natural Resources
(IRENA), Managua, Nicaragua; J. M. Jimenez, Nicaraguan
Institute for Natural Resoruces (IRENA), Managua, Nicaragua;
and P. Onoro, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Biomass production, light tranmission and management of
Erythrina berteroana, Erythrina fusca and Gliricidia sepium
used as living supports in Talamanca, Costa Rica. 192
Reinhold G. Muschler, University of Florida, Gainesville,

Development of an Erythrina-based agroforestry system for
taro cropping in Western Samoa. 200
S. Rogers, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Western
Samoa; T. Iosefa, University of the South Pacific, Apia,
Western Samoa; and R. Rosecrance, University of California,
Davis, CA, USA

Part 3. Erythrina in Livestock Production Systems

Cercas vivas y bancos de proteina de Erythrina berteroana
manejados para la produccion de biomasa comestible en el tropico humedo de
Costa Rica. 205
F. Romero, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; J. Montenegro,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; C. Chana, CATIE, Turrialba,
Costa Rica; D. Pezo, CATIE, Costa Rica; and R. Borel.
University for Peace, San Juan, Costa Rica

Biomass production by Erythrina poeppigiana (Walpers) O. F.
Cook in high-density plantation. 211
R. Borel, University for Peace, San Jose, Costa Rica; and
Jorge E. Benavides, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Valor nutritivo de la biomasa comestible de diferentes
especies y clones del genero Erythrina. 217
M. Kass, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; A. Perez, Universidad
de Costa Rica, Turrialba, Costa Rica; and G. Rodriguez,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Produccion de leche de vacas en pastoreo suplementadas con
poro (Erythrina poeppigiana) en el tropico humedo de
Costa Rica. 223
F. Romero, S. Abarca, L. Corado, J. Tobon, M. Kass and D.
Pezo, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Uso de Erythrina poeppigiana como suplemento a forrajes con
bajo contenido proteico. 231
A. Camero, R. Vasquez, G. Alagon, M. Kass and F. Romero,
CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Utilizacion del poro (Erythrina sp.) en sistemas
agroforestales con rumiantes menores. 237
Jorge E. Benavides, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Interspecific hybridization in Erythrina: a homogamic
complex. 250
David A. Neill, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis,

Variacion clonal de tres especies del genero Erythrina. 258
Yaels Camacho H., CATIE, Turriabla, Costa Rica; Edgar
Viquez, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, and Emilio Perez,
UNA, Nicaragua

Survival and growth of Erythrina orientalis and five other
introduced trees in Central Philippines. 274
E. C. Bumatay, Visayas State College of Agriculture, Leyte,
Philippines; E. E. Nasayao, Department of Environment and
Natural Resources, Tacloban City, Philippines; and
D. E. Cabantug, Visayas State College of Agriculture, Leyte,

Part 4. Nitrogen Fixation and Plant Chemistry

Growth of seedling of five half-sib families of Erythrina
poeppigiana inoculated with a selected strain of
Bradyrhizobium. 278
P. Nigren, University of Helsinki, Korkeakoski, Finland;
C. Ramirez, University of Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica;
and G. Sanchez, Grupo Ecodesarrollo, Sante Fe de
Bogota, Colombia

Selection of efficient strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. for
Erythrina in soils with high aluminum saturation. 283
L. Gross, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; C. Ramirez,
University of Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica; and
Donald C. E. Kass, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Rhizobial root infection in Erythrina speciosa Andrews. 292
S. M. de Faria, EMBRAPA/CNPBS, Seropedica, Brazil

Phenology of N2-fixing nodules in pruned clones of Erythrina
poeppigiana. 297
P. Nygren, University of Helsinki, Korkeakoski, Finland; and
C. Ramirez, University of Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica

Nitrogen assimilation of the genus Erythrina. 306
K. Muthuchelian, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India

Chemical constituents of Erythrina; historical perspectives
and future prospects. 314
Lori D. Payne, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ. USA

Part 5. Site Restoration, Pests, Economics

Soil constraints to the reestablishment of Erythrina
sandwicensis in an eroded soil in Hawaii. 322
P. L. Nakao, H. K. Keyser, B. B. Bohlool and P. W.
Singleton, NifTAL, Paia, HI, USA

Insects associated with Erythrina species in Costa Rica. 330
Luko Hilje, Philip J. Shannon, and Daniel Coto, CATIE,
Turrialba, Costa Rica

Status of Erythrina species and the fruit-piercing moth in
the Pacific. 340
R. Muniappan, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, USA

Quantifying the economic benefits of agroforestry
research. 345
D. Webb, Montevideo, Uruguay

Working group reports on the genus Erythrina: current
knowledge and recommendations for future research. 348

Conference participants. 355