JDR3 Spotlight: Naing Lin Oo
Can you tell us a bit about yourself — where you come from and how you came to work in your current field?
My name is Naing Lin Oo. I worked for the Department of Agricultural Planning under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation after graduating from Yezin Agricultural University in Myanmar in 1999. I resigned from the government department in 2005 to engage in the private sector. I participated as a research assistant in Winrock International’s John D. Rockefeller 3rd Scholar Program for research, namely “Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza: The Case of Village Poultry Farming in Myanmar.” I received a Master of Development Studies (M.Dev.S) from Yangon Institute of Economics in 2012.
What is your current job? Can you provide a very brief overview of the duties/responsibilities involved in this position?
I am currently working as a freelance consultant. I just finished as a National Social Safeguard Consultant for the World Bank-assisted Agricultural Development Support Project. Similar consultant work for additional World Bank-assisted work, the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project in Myanmar, is in the contracting process. Mostly, I worked for Agribusiness and Rural Development Consultants Co. Ltd (ARDC) since March 2012. I have been involved in many studies including the following:
“From Rice Bowl to Food Basket: Three Pillars for Modernizing Myanmar’s Agricultural and Food Sector”
Short Term Agricultural Master Plan for Yangon Region
A Study on Variations in Support Activities in Different Agro-ecological Zones and the Socioeconomic situation of Myanmar
Pathways for Developing the Seed Sector of Myanmar: A Scoping Study (joint study with Wageningen University and Research)
The Rice Seed Supply and Demand System in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar (joint study with Wageningen University and Research)
Assessment of the State of the Cooperative Systems in Myanmar
The Report of National Study on Policy Support for the Green Water Management
At present, I am also helping develop the Shan State Agribusiness Development (Short-term Master Plan).
What are your best memories from conducting the research?
This socioeconomic research was my first experience. I liked participating in the multidisciplinary research team. I obtained many experiences from the field surveys where brainstorming with multi-stakeholders including farmers were done for setting up problem trees and finding the solutions. I also believe that my social network, particularly networking with livestock professionals, could be extended due to this research.
What do you think were the biggest challenges in the study? What were the biggest successes?
I think organizing a multidisciplinary research team was a big challenge. Wining the program for conducting the research was the biggest success.
How do you think the JDR3 research study helped you with your research skills?
This research really helped me improve my research skills. This encouraged me to pursue the Master of Development Studies.
How do you think the JDR3 experience helped you communicate your research studies to policymakers? Have you utilized these skills after the completion of the JDR3 study? Please provide examples.
We had opportunities to communicate with policymakers on this research, particularly when we presented the findings of the research.
What impact on policy do you think your research has made? Please be specific.
This research supported public awareness of policy. For example, the related information about the avian influenza outbreak was carefully disseminated through the media.
Have you been able to secure more funding for your research (in this area or other related areas) after the JDR3 study? How many publications (i.e. books, peer-reviewed papers) have you published after the JDR3 study in this area of research and other topics?
May I refer you to the list of research papers and reports above.
What are you most proud of in your career? How do you think the JDR3 experience has helped you with your professional career?
The JDR3 experience encouraged me to pursue the Master of Development Studies. Obtaining the Master’s degree made me confident to engage in research activities. Valuable experiences such as focus group discussions and key informant interviews gained from this research has supported me for my professional career. This research also helped me improve my coordination capacity. I am proud to have had opportunities to assist the public sectors through working on the Short Term Agricultural Master Plan for the Yangon Region. I am still working together with Dr. Wah Wah Han and Daw Phyu Sin Maung (members of the multidisciplinary research team) in the area of conducting social and environmental impact assessments for private investments in Myanmar.