
Setting the Carbon Standard
July 23, 2020
Winrock International is known for sound science and environmental integrity, and has worked for decades to mobilize climate actions that benefit the world’s most vulnerable populations through operation of the American Carbon Registry (ACR) and Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART). “Winrock believes that climate change will have a profound impact on the world’s most at-risk […]
The People of PIER: Susan Nurhasanah
July 16, 2020
What is your role in the PIER project? I’m the private finance consultant, focusing on the PIER project in Indonesia. I supported the country assessment for Indonesia, helped identify potential projects and, together with the project lead, developed a project implementation plan. I’m part of the on-the-ground team implementing the project, and I manage our […]
The People of PIER: Natalie Rice
July 2, 2020
What is your role within the PIER project? I am the communications intern. I’ve been working on blog interviews about the team (like this one), beefing up our social media footprint, designing creative infographics, and any other tasks that the team could use my help with. What excites you about the project? I never really […]
The People of PIER: Meghan Doherty
June 24, 2020
What is your role within the PIER project? My primary role is acting as the team’s resilience coordinator. I support with research and project design to ensure PIER interventions have a clear tie to climate risk and include activities that enhance resilience. In addition, I lead the monitoring and evaluation work for the project. I […]
Innovative Cooperative Project Multiplies USAID Water Security Impact in Nepal
June 24, 2020
This year marked the completion of an innovative USAID project aimed at improving cooperation between USAID projects in Nepal around the shared goal of water security. Facilitated by the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), which is implemented by Winrock International, the two-year Integrated Water Management Activity (IWMA) worked with 10 USAID projects to improve water security in two target watersheds in western Nepal. Though Nepal […]
New Award Continues Winrock Legacy of Creating Clean Energy Markets in Nepal
June 23, 2020
Winrock International has been named to lead a new initiative to accelerate clean cookstove market growth funded by the U.K.’s DFID-funded Modern Energy Cooking Services Challenge Fund at Loughborough University. Winrock has supported Nepal’s clean energy transition since the early 2000s, collaborating with both the public and private sector to create the current enabling environment […]
The opportunities of Big Data for Water Security
June 18, 2020
As coordinator of the Big Data Analytics and Transboundary Water Management Collaboration for Southern Africa, the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) works to provide important training sessions for both the teams conducting research for the Collaboration and the broader development sector. These training sessions began in 2019 with an eight-part training series with experts from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). SWP followed these trainings with a second webinar series in the spring of 2020 […]
Exploring Big Data Solutions for Southern Africa
June 10, 2020
In its role as coordinator of the Big Data Analytics and Transboundary Water Collaboration, the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) facilitates the integration of a group of public, private and nonprofit organizations researching the use of big data to improve management of the Ramotswa transboundary aquifer in Southern Africa. The Collaboration partners have sponsored four research teams, each looking at different ways to use big data analysis to improve water security for the Ramotswa Aquifer, shared between […]
The People of PIER: Katie Goslee
May 21, 2020
What is your role within the PIER project? My official role with PIER is that I’m the project manager and I steward all the administrative work, such as the project budget and contractual communications with the funder as well as similar communications that happen inside Winrock. In addition, I’m also the team lead for the […]
Forging Connections
May 21, 2020
By Chris Warren When Brian Bean was growing up in Maryland, he knew exactly what he wanted to do as an adult. And in many ways, his career aim was to basically re-create a boyhood spent climbing trees, looking under rocks for salamanders, and roaming the woods in and around Susquehanna State Park. Not surprisingly, […]