
Bringing Innovation to the Conservation of Indonesia’s Peatlands
April 30, 2020
Winrock International is helping restore Indonesia’s peatland in a way that will mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, slow land subsidence, combat the threat of fire, and support the tens of thousands of people who live and work there. I recently returned from a trip to Indonesia, where obstacles — and opportunities — are both in full […]
The People of PIER: Anmol Vanamali
April 29, 2020
What is your role in the PIER project? Broadly speaking, I’m the private-sector partnerships lead for the Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) project. Specifically, I lead our activities in Indonesia, which are focused on mobilizing private investment in agriculture resilience. I also lead most of our work related to private-sector engagement and financing in […]
A Film About Forests
April 28, 2020
Vietnam’s Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) system, implemented by Winrock’s USAID Vietnam Forests and Deltas project, provides around $130 million a year to over 500,000 households for their work protecting the forest. It supports the Government of Vietnam’s efforts to better manage natural resources through an innovative Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) program, which […]
The People of PIER: Glen Anderson
April 24, 2020
What is your role within the PIER project? I serve as the country lead for Peru and provide oversight of Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER ) Project activities there. I’m leading work on a financing strategy for the national coffee plan in Peru and developing a methodological paper on cost-benefit analysis for climate-resilient coffee. […]
The People of PIER: Michael Cote
April 16, 2020
First of a series What is your role within the PIER project? My role is project director of the Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) project. I have technical and financial oversight over the entire project: hiring and subcontracting (all sign-offs go through me), and I provide technical leadership and staff development, subcontractor management, partnership […]
Playing for Keeps in Bangladesh
April 10, 2020
A Winrock Legacy Story Before they made toys, the women of South Chila, Mongla, Bagerhat in Bangladesh made their living from the forest and wetlands. They collected wood and caught fish. This put pressure on the environment, and it wasn’t easy on the women, who faced muggings, prosecutions for illegally fishing and collecting timber — […]
ACR Selected for International Aviation’s New Carbon-Offset Plan
March 31, 2020
ARLINGTON, VA — The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has approved the American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, to supply eligible ACR-issued emission reduction units for compliance under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). ACR is one of only six agencies ICAO approved and is […]
‘Forests are Gold’
March 20, 2020
Vietnam’s Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) system, implemented by Winrock’s USAID Vietnam Forests and Deltas project, provides around $130 million a year to over 500,000 households for their work protecting the forest. It’s money that flows from hydroelectric plant owners and other downstream users of environmental services into the hands of people like K […]
SWP Leader Discusses Water Data on Podcast
March 20, 2020
Dr. Rodolfo Camacho, the project director/chief of party for the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), spoke recently on the Wilson Center’s Water Stories podcast about using data to enhance water security. Implemented by Winrock International, SWP provides technical services and program implementation to advance USAID global water security thought leadership and innovation. The discussion covered several subjects, […]
Boosting Women in Bangladesh
March 4, 2020
At Winrock, a cross-cutting theme throughout our projects is promoting the role of women through education and leadership development. This is a story of how leadership training transformed one woman and — and through her, the village and region she represents. It was originally published in May, 2018. Photos by Misty Keasler “I have helped […]