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Winrock International


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A man cuts a customer's hair.

Counseling, Training Give Skills — and Hope — to Trafficking Survivor

November 26, 2014

Kiri (not his real name) is earning about the equivalent of $90 (USD) monthly as a barber and is planning to expand his efforts and profits by raising chickens. Just a few years ago, however, he was a poor farmer and his future was not nearly so promising. Like many farmers in central Cambodia’s Kampong […]
A woman looks down.

Trafficked Bride Rebuilds Her Life with Help from Counter Trafficking in Persons program

November 25, 2014

Money was scarce in Kanya’s family (not her real name). Her father had died and her mother was sick, leaving her as the sole provider. When her aunt suggested marriage to a wealthy Chinese man and the opportunity to send money home, she agreed. At age 20, Kanya had never heard about trafficked brides. She […]
Shanta’s husband, Jhagilal, was able to return from being a migrant laborer due to her increased income from selling vegetables.

Improved vegetable production practices increase incomes of smallholder farmers in Nepal

October 21, 2014

Shanta B.K., 33, lives in the Narpani, Arghakhanchi district in western Nepal with her husband and four children. She is a member of the Dalit community, a disadvantaged group in Nepal, but despite the challenges she faces, Shanta has been determined to improve her livelihood by becoming a commercial farmer. By participating in KISAN trainings […]
Woman holding scarf

Trafficking Survivor Returns Home, Reclaims Hope for Future

July 22, 2014

On a bright, sunny morning in March, 19-year-old Soheli (not her real name) is grinning as she sorts through an assortment of fabric spread throughout the small room at her home in Vacutia, Jessore in Bangladesh. A youthful, easy laugh escapes her mouth during a conversation with some of the village women who have stopped […]
South Sudanese women talking

Fostering Local Ownership and Empowering Leaders

January 13, 2014

Note: The region of Southern Sudan referenced here is now the Republic of South Sudan, since gaining independence in 2011. BRIDGE activities such as these provided valuable support to communities as they made the transition to independence. Alikhook Arieu Akec cares for her family of nine, tends to her small farm and serves her community […]
Governor Paul Malong displays a joint communiqué between the Dinka Malual and Rezeigat to a crowd gathered in Aweil.

Grassroots Conference Opens Doors for Peace in Southern Sudan

January 9, 2014

Note: The region of Southern Sudan referenced here is now the Republic of South Sudan, since gaining independence in 2011. BRIDGE activities such as these provided valuable support to communities as they made the transition to independence. For decades, the disputed and oil-rich border regions between Northern and Southern Sudan have witnessed scenes of violence as […]
Community Action Group members vote by lining up behind their candidate of choice.

Building a Culture of Democracy

September 12, 2013

Note: The region of Southern Sudan referenced here is now the Republic of South Sudan, since gaining independence in 2011. BRIDGE activities such as these provided valuable support to communities as they made the transition to independence. As the members of a newly formed Community Action Group in Abyei Village in Southern Sudan lined up behind […]

Winrock-Implemented Project Featured on USAID Impact Blog

August 6, 2013

(July 17, 2013) — Facing limited educational opportunities in rural Nepal, the Education for Income Generation (EIG) project allowed Sitara to learn how to read and write and get training in agriculture production. Her income has significantly increased and she is even able to put money in savings. Read her full story on the Impact […]
Bangladesh Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons program participants.

Bangladesh ACT program helps give voice to trafficking survivors

June 7, 2013

Within Bangladesh’s social structure, survivors of human trafficking are especially vulnerable. Often, they are stigmatized within their own families and communities. In order to restore their confidence and place in society, the Winrock-implemented Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) program empowers survivors to claim their rights and be important social actors in preventing trafficking and protecting other […]
A much-needed scholarship from the Gender Equity through Education program allowed Doru to return to school.

Scholarship Program Helps Young Women in South Sudan

February 15, 2013

Only 18, Doru Celina dropped out of school because of a domestic workload that left her with little time to study. Doru, who lives in Kajo Keji, Southern Sudan (now known as South Sudan since gaining independence in 2011), would help her mother sell condiments door-to-door or at the market. She also cooked and did […]
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