Legacy Project
SUNREF Nigeria
Funder: Agence Française de Développement (AFD) a.k.a French Development Agency, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN)
Project Timeline: January 1, 2020 - January 31, 2023
Country: Nigeria
Program Areas: Access to Finance and Clean Energy & Circular Economy
Contact: Bikash Pandey, bpandey@winrock.org
The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Finance (SUNREF) Nigeria project seeks to improve access to affordable finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, a critical step to increase economic opportunities, reduce carbon emissions,
create employment, and ultimately promote sustainable development in Nigeria. These outcomes will be achieved by removing the barriers to financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and providing technical assistance to ensure the feasibility
of these projects.
The French Development Agency (AFD) established a green credit line of $70 million with two local partner banks for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Winrock is providing technical assistance and due diligence to ensure that eligible renewable
energy and energy efficiency projects are primed for success and that the two partner banks are confident lending to these projects. In addition, Winrock is working to build the capacity of the banks, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, and other stakeholders,
to help develop a sustainable process for facilitating green energy investments in Nigeria.