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Winrock International

Legacy Project

USAID/Malawi Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests in Malawi -Tiphike mwa Makono (MCHF)

Funder: USAID with co-funding from UKAID

Project Timeline: October 15, 2019 - August 31, 2024

Country: Malawi

Program Areas: Access to Finance, Biodiversity, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Clean Energy & Circular Economy and Climate Resilience & Adaptation

Contact: Sarah Tourville,

USAID/Malawi Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests in Malawi -Tiphike mwa Makono (MCHF) is focused on advancing Malawi’s low-emissions, climate-resilient development through forest conservation and sustainable energy options, and through strengthening low-emission planning, analysis and investment capacities. The goal of the project is to assist in ensuring that Malawi’s forest and soil resources are managed more efficiently, equitably, and sustainably. As a partnering organization in this project, Winrock will build the Government of Malawi’s capacity to utilize data, systems and tools to improve forest monitoring. Winrock will also provide specialized technical assistance to increase demand for alternative energy and fuel-efficient cooking technologies, particularly in supporting the development of consumer financing strategies.