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Winrock International


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«Ата-аналарға көмек көрсете отырып, біз балаларға да көмектесеміз»

Талдыкорганский региональный центрподдержки женщин оказывает правовую,социальную и психологическую поддержкуженщинам и детям. Цель организации –повышение благосостояния женщин ивовлечение их в гражданскую жизнь, а такжеизменение общественной позиции по отношениюк ним. Центр был основан в 1997 году. За этовремя более 10 тысяч женщин и детей получиликак юридическую, так и психологическуюпомощь.

Protection in CTIP Briefing: Learnings from the Survivor Experience of Referral Systems in Bangladesh and Cambodia

The “model” referral mechanisms for survivors of human trafficking are generally prescribed based on examples of countries with strong social protection systems already in place, which are inapplicable to most countries in Asia. The over-emphasis on replicating these models may even be counter-productive, as they create policy structures that essentially build bridges to nowhere. This […]

Case Typologies: New Trends of Inbound TIP from Southeast Asia to Cambodia

The purpose of this report is to produce the below Typology of inbound trafficking patterns from Southeast Asia for online scams into Cambodia. The Typology will benefit different stakeholders, whose services are utilized in one way or another by the organized criminal groups undertaking this enterprise. It is only through understanding the problem and intricacies […]

Protection in CTIP Briefing: Learnings from Victim Identification in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Taiwan

This learning brief was developed from “BARRIERS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR MORE EFFECTIVE IDENTIFICATION OF VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Insights fromBangladesh, Cambodia, and Taiwan” This briefing aims to better understand the barriers to identification, by learning from victims and authorities on how successful identification tends to happen. Explore how victims of trafficking could be more effectively […]

A Systematic Literature Review on Sports Programming for Survivors of Trafficking

Survivors of trafficking often endure complex traumas, resulting in severe psychological issues like PTSD and depression. These challenges hinder their reintegration into society, disrupt family connections, and lead to poor livelihood outcomes. Despite the popularity and significant funding of Sport for Development (SfD) programs globally, there has been no comprehensive review of their effectiveness for […]

«Это мое призвание»: волонтеры проекта Winrock International «Действия Казахстана в борьбе с торговлей детьми» о своей деятельности

На сегодняшний день существует множество различных видов волонтерской помощи – от пожертвований до выездов на места чрезвычайных ситуаций (ЧС). Актуальные исследования доказывают, что добровольное оказание помощи другим положительно влияет и на уровень счастья, и на карьерные возможности волонтеров. Например, согласно отчету Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) люди, которые волонтерят на регулярной основе на […]
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